WARNING THIS WILL OFFEND LEVAYEN SATANISTS Looking trough the eyes of satanist. Yesterday i asked a question why do levayen satanists do rituals? well the answer i got just didnt cut it.it still never answerd what i asked and then i ws accused o being as bad as a christian for asking a genuine question so ill right this see if this helps with were i am coming from. ok here i am i am an athiest i do not believe in religion what so ever i just cant there in no way what so ever can there be a god/gods its just not possible. so i turn to the satanic bible its just right for me ( a religion called the church of satan) i hate christianity and all other forms of religion so there for i am a satanist because this satanic bible tells me so and it is a great little book full of enlighting religious text ( but im an athiest and its religious) i read and take in this book like its the only book that has ever meant anything to me. i finaly get to all the ritual magic side of my new found atheism satanism. so i follow what i have to do i set up my alter i lay down my inverted pentagram alter cloth ( an ancient occult religious tool ) i light my candles and i start to recite the enochian text in front of me but wait something just isnt right here no 1 why am i doing a ritual to satan when i am an athiest and i dont believe in satan. no 2 it tells me i am my own god in the satanic bible so why do i need to use magic i am all mighty and powerfull because i am a god my self so pointless trying to atain the highest form of enlightenment when i am a legend god myself. no 3 i cast my circle but why i dont need to there is nothing out there to hurt me i know this because i am n athiest i dont belive in gods or demoons so dont need the circle but ill cast it coz this great little book tells me to. no 4 i am reciting enochian text a langauge first notated by dr john dee nd edward kelly by scrying into a black mirror and speaking to angels hence why its called the angelic text so why am i reciting something that was bought forward by angels or demons when i dont believe in either i m an athiest i just dont believe owww thats right its because the satanic bible tells me its all metafores nd archtypes diffrent states of perspective now i get it so im going to do my ritual to a god or demon that i just dont believe in i am going to keep following a book clled the satanic bible hence satan and again i dont believe in satan i now belong to the newest of all occult religious organisations and an organisation that has nothing to do with satanism in anyway what so ever i now have an opinion and my opinion is right every body else is comletey wrong anton said so. no that my little rant is over i would like for somebody to please explain to me in what way does antons belif structure have to do with satanism when levayens are athiests they dont believe in satan and why do u do rituals to gods or demons when you just dont belive. its like me being a luciferian and going to a church and praying to yahwah i dont belive pretty sure my prays would be falling on deaf ears coz i just dont belive in the demiurge pretty pointless now i know a lot of you will prob unlike this page coz ive just pissed ppl off and i know a lot of u prob agree now this is my opinion and im open to duke it out with anyone on this topic i will next be doing the same thing on luciferianism what it actually is its history wich mind you is the oldest religion out there hence marduk but more on that later cheers
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 07:38:25 +0000

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