WARNING TO ALL JEHOVAHS WITNESSES TO BE ANNOUNCED SATURDAY, OCT. 18 ON LIVE RADIO! 11 pm. est (NEW YORK TIME) The topic : Potential Harm (very possible) by clicking on JW.ORG The Watchtower Organization is rapidly changing as it is totally aware of a large number of their once loyal, now suspicious followers catching up on their business scam. A secret insider at Brooklyn Bethel has been voicing his concerns for the last four years on the Six Screens live radio programs. Johnny The Bethelite claims The Watchtower Organization is currently on a major Witch-hunt becoming increasingly paranoid over Bethelites and rank and file Witnesses looking at critical information online about them. Listen to Johnny The Bethelite, an insider who claims to be and active Bethelelite on his Six Screens live program Jehovahs Underground JOIN US FOR GOOD WHOLESOME FELLOWSHIP AND SUPPORT. .... 2ways to listen in ...Six Screens Tele-Network Radio Program is broadcast world wide via the Internet. It is easy to come on the program. dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925 or you can listen and watch on our SIX SCREENS VIDEO SUITE ... CLICK ON LINK AND WATCH THE PROGRAM LIVE. YOU CAN LISTEN IN AND IF YOU LIKE,TALK WITH US RIGHT THROUGH YOUR COMPUTER. NOTE .. YOU CAN ALSO AS OUR GUEST OR CALLER APPEAR IN LIVE VIDEO IF YOU DESIRE.login.meetcheap/conference,sixscreensvideo
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:36:17 +0000

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