WARNING TO PATRIOTIC FRONT (PF) CADRES WHO ARE TARGETTING CERTAIN MOURNERS FROM AT MICHEAL SATAS FUNERAL PF cadres across the nation should realise that MICHEAL Sata was not only President of Patriotic Front as a Party but also was a President of the Republic, he did not govern Bembas or Northerners alone but governed citizens comprised of all the 72 dialect (Tribes) as such his demise has not only affected PF members or his tribesmen alone but the nation as a whole regardless of whether they belonged to PF or loved Mr Sata. Your idiotic mannerism of blocking threatening to beat up other selected citizens like Fred Mmembe, Winter Kabimba and Hakainde Hichilema from attending the funeral is rather stupid and rubbish.If you loved Mr Sata as you claim , then give him a befitting funeral that shall leave the Nation held together as opposite to tiring apart our already silently divided Society that MICHEAL Sata individually participated in dividing through his uncivilised Politics of divide and rule. Give him a funeral of a Heros who fought his way to the highest Office of the land by hook even if it meant telling lies and deception. Only Vouchers fight over remains of a died dog, but ours is a human being,a leader and family man,what is there to fight for? Should we now start reminding you how unfair you were to the you forced to challenge people that he was fit and not during even when it was apparently clear that our President was melting like wax health wise? Should we remind how some of us individually and Institutions like Zambian Watchdog were attacked,harassed and insulted for asking Mr Micheal Sata to resign to give himself enough time from a boiling pot of National pressure while he attended to his failing health? Do we needed to even name you ONE-BY-ONE how you individually contributed to the death of our President? You armed robbers, drug traffickers, you heartless ticks have sent our President to an early grave. Why shouldnt Fred Mmembe ,Wynter Kabimba with all their weakiness and Hakainde attend the funeral of the Republican President????? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??? I further wish to warn PF cadres that, Micheal Sata was never an Angel, he was never Saint but one Micheal Sata had flaws,had errors and mistakes that by tradition and culture we ought not to take them to his grave and only concentrate on though few reasons and achievements that qualifies him to be a Statesman for the sake of the outside World. But this is solely dependent on the way you shall engage other Citizens and perceived Political competitors in the build up to his final resting place. If your conduct will be deemed unethical ,uncultural otherwise in conflict with traditions of handling funerals by African standard with respect to other mourners, we shall not hesitate to difine and describe the characters we have lost. Other International Medias have already projected our Late President MICHEAL Sata as an insuilter as well as a Man who only concentrated on clamping down Opposition Politics in Zambia atleast eTVNews defined him as such while BBC Projected him as a pathological liar who promised Mountains but failed to delivers an anthill. As a owners of a man, we should Project him as a Statesman through holding a dignified and befitting funeral as Opposed to holding a funeral equal to that of an Armed Robber as you PF cadres are attempting to take it. Needless to remind PF of all the failed promises, borrowings that have left the Nation in a heavy debt trap, no need to remind anybody how Micheal Sata behaved or treated his friends that along the way became vulnerable . We shall not remind PF cadres how weaked, how heartless and heavy-handed the Man they gave to Zambia as President in addition to his failures. With all the above, as peace loving citizens we have chosen to painfully burry all the hatchets just for the sake of projecting a human face to the remains of our Fifth President of the land. Shall we not be pushed to change our attitudes forwards the dead just because of the naivity of some overzealous PF cadres who see no opportunity to show case their low quality thinking capacity who are busy posting online and issuing threats to citizens not to attend the Funeral of their land even in different Political beliefs.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:25:47 +0000

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