WARNING TO RENWALS We do not have any problem with MDC Renewal - TopicsExpress


WARNING TO RENWALS We do not have any problem with MDC Renewal for their futile and fruitless endeavors of trying to reinvent the wheel by calling for the renewal of something which does not need any renewal or transformation. It is their democratic right to break away from the main MDC T and form their party and give it as many names as they want to the extent that if you ask the different leaders of the party what the name of their party is, you get a whole cocktail of the party names. Again, it is their democratic right to have as much confusion and bewilderment as they please in their grouping. As true democrats and people combating for total emancipation of the people of Zimbabwe, we do not lose sleep because of the confusion in their camp. It is also their democratic right to form a party to fight another opposition party to buttress the ruling party and protract the suffering of the people of Zimbabwe, On the other hand, let me make it clear that as Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC T supporters, we do not condone the barbaric behavior by people belonging to this group of Ingutsheni Mental Hospital escapees and rascals calling themselves renewals where they go around insulting our party and its leader. It is a known fact that for every 100 000 supporters that Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC T have, the ever shrinking Tendai Biti and his nameless party have 1 (one) supporter. So get it clear that in terms of numbers we are far ahead of you. If it is a war of words, you will not match us if we decide to take the route of a pound for a pound. For barbaric and uncalled for abuse on our leader and the party particularly on the social media, as MDCT, we will not respond by participating and commenting on such posts. We are not a party of scoundrels but if provoked, aggravated and pushed to the wall, we are capable of spitting verbal venom that you will not be able to get an antidote of. It is in the best interest of the renewals not to throw stones when they know very well that they live in glass houses. If this ancient, primitive and archaic behavior of hurling insults by renewals or whatever they call themselves persists, we will have no choice but to respond accordingly to such mischief. We have the numbers even ZANU PF is aware of that.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 14:27:41 +0000

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