WARNING TO THE ENEMY OF GODS KINGDOM; WHICH HAS BECOME MY ENEMY, AND YOUR ENEMY IN CHRIST JESUS! The time of the sinners opportunity for fleeing from Gods wrath is exceedingly brief and limited. The sad and tragic thing is that so few realize it. The sinner sees little cause for alarm and fails to apprehend his imperative need of promptly accepting Christ as his Saviour. He imagines himself secure. He goes on in his sin, and because judgment against an evil work is not executed speedily he increases in his boldness against God. But Gods ways are different to ours. There is no need for God to be in a hurry - all eternity is at His disposal. When one man robs another, instantly the cry is raised, Thief! Thief!! Thief!!! Please stop the thief lest he should soon be out of reach. When a murder is committed the hounds of the law at once seek to track down the guilty One. A reward is offered lest he should succeed in escaping justice. But it is different with God. He is in no haste to execute judgment because He knows the sinner, cannot escape Him. It is impossible to flee out of Gods dominions! In due time every transgression and disobedience shall receive a just recompense of reward. Let those that think, plan and execute evil depart from it, and call on the name that give SALVATION freely to all! His name is Jesus Christ, the son of God that was offered as an atonement for our sin. The fact of Gods Wrath is clearly revealed in the Scriptures. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; but he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him (John 3:36). For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men (Rom. 1:18). Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience (Eph. 5:6). In these, and in other passages too numerous to mention, the fact of the Divine wrath is affirmed. Wrath is one of the Divine perfections. If God did not punish evildoers He would be a party to evil doing, He would compromise with wickedness, He would condone sin. Of necessity God is a God of Wrath. Consider an argument from the less to the greater. In the human sphere he who loves purity and chastity and has no wrath against impurity and unchastity is a moral leper. He who pities the poor and defenseless and has no wrath against the oppressor who crushes the weak and slays the defenseless, but loves them too, is a fiend. Divine wrath is Divine Holiness in activity. Because God is holy He hates sin, and because He hates sin His anger burns against the sinner. As it is written, Thou hatest all workers of iniquity (Psalm 5:5). And again, God is angry with the wicked every day (Psalm 7:11). Every member of Adams race richly merits Gods Wrath. Our sins which have mounted up to heaven; our profitless lives, spent in selfish gratification with no regard for Gods glory; our indifference and carelessness respecting our souls future welfare; our repeated refusals to respond to the invitations of Gods grace... All cry aloud for judgment to descend upon us. But Gods Mercy has provided a Ransom - a covering for sin - Christ! Great in its value, great in its scope, great in its effectiveness, great because it delivers from so great a death and secures so great salvation. But great as this ransom is, it avails nothing for those who ignore and reject it. ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST TODAY AND REPENT FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS: BY BELIEVING, CONFESSING AND WALKING IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! Job. 36:18 says, Because there is wrath, beware lest He take thee away with His stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. One chief reason why God wrote the Bible was to warn the sinner of the awful consequences of sin, and to bid him flee from the wrath to come. There are many of His warning scattered throughout the Bible: Be sure your sin will find you out (Num. 32:23). It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Heb.9:27). Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:5). How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? (Heb. 2:3). Beware lest He take thee away with His stroke, then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. If this ransom be despised then there is no possible escape for the sinner. If Christ be rejected there remains nought but wrath. How this text shatters the Larger Hope! How it repudiates any possibility of a Second Chance in the next world! How effectually it closes the door of hope against all who die in their sins! Let the stroke of God remove such from this world and then a great ransom cannot deliver them. There are other Scriptures which equally explicit. He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy (Prov. 29:1). For the sinner there is no remedy, no deliverance, no hope whatever beyond the grave. Then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. Why? Because it is appointed unto man once to die, and after that - not a second chance, not a further probation - but the judgment. Why? Because at death the sinner goes immediately to Hell (Luke 16 :22, 23) and there there is no preaching of the Gospel and no Holy Spirit to quicken into newness of life. Why? Because there awaits all such nothing but the resurrection of damnation (John 5:29) and the judgment of the Great White Throne. Then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. Why? Because repentance then will be too late. Therefore will I also deal in fury: Mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in Mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them! (Ezek. 8:18). Then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. Why? Because, Whosoevers name was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the Lake of Fire - and a lake has no outlet! Here then is a solemn warning against indifference, Because there is wrath. Here is a solemn warning against procrastination, Beware lest He take thee away with His stroke. Here is a solemn warning against hoping in another chance after death. Then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. Here is a powerful plea for accepting Christ NOW. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? We shall not! There will be no escape! Then Seek ye the Lord while He may be found: Call ye upon Him while He is near. AND THEY REPLIED, BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND YOU WILL BE SAVED- YOU AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD. ACTS 16:31 I pray this morning that His GRACE will bring you and I into believing, accepting and confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal saviour...Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:40:58 +0000

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