WARNING WARNING DOG WALKERS PLYMBRIDGE, PLYMOUTH AREA. This morning my walk was spoilt by a nasty tempered GSD with its equally nasty tempered owner. Not the best pictures but someone somewhere might recognise him. GSD & owner were in front by a good 50 yards. Owner totally oblivious of what his dog was doing, went around a corner out of sight of myself. His dog glanced back & spotted us. It immediately dropped to the floor facing us. I called both my dogs to me & stopped. GSD owner called his dog but it didnt respond. With that GSD hurled itself at Ollie, pining him to the floor trying to bite him. Owner soon appeared to pull him off....then said my dogs should have been on a lead. As he went to walk off with a few choice words in his ears, I pulled out my phone to take pictures. He STRONGLY objected to that. He came back to yell in my face, raised his fist to me & then tried to snatch the phone away. Think he may have been camera shy. I tried to take another photo (why do phones always have a slow moment when you need them most?). He came at me again with a raised hand saying I wasnt going to take pictures, except this time Ive slapped him . I know, shouldnt have done it but I felt very, VERY threatened. THE POLICE....well I called them as he stormed off. That didnt go down well either. I expect theyll turn up next week & charge me with assault :-( Ollie seems OK, so pleased he has a thick coat.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:27:29 +0000

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