WARNING ! YOU ARE BEING LIED TO & DECEIVED BY (MOST) PASTORS ! If you have been led to believe that God became flesh or a man, you have been lied to and deceived ! The ABSOLUTE proof is in the Original King James Version scriptures below ! Please if you truly desire to know, understand, & receive the Son of God Who is God, You MUST fully read & research this entire post ! Look up & cross reference ALL of the scripture references provided for you, & find out the REAL Truth by & for yourselves ! MOST all of the pastors & teachers of God today, are LYING to you & are DECEIVING many ! The absolute undeniable truth of this is in this post ! I challenge EVERYONE to see for themselves, so they are deceived NO longer ! I challenge EVERYONE to PLEASE prove me wrong, without taking scripture out of context, IF you can ! Remember, if you cause ANY scripture to lie against or to contradict ANY other scripture, it is NOT the scriptures that are wrong or that need changed, but YOUR understanding of them that is wrong and needs changed ! It is written that we who loves God are called, chosen, elected, predestinated (foreordained from before the foundation of the earth) to be conformed (not to the world 2; 2) but to the image and likeness of Gods Dear Son (Romans 8; 28 - 30). Gods Dear Son is the Word Who bears record with, and Who is one, with the Father and the Holy Spirit in Heaven (1 John 5; 7 kjv). This same Word is He Who was with God as God (John 1; 1- 2) Whom the Father spoke and all things (including ourselves) were created (John 1; 1- 3). This same Word is the Life (the Christ John 14; 6) Who is the Light (the Christ John 8; 12, John 9; 5) Who is WITHIN us (John 1; 1, 4, 9, Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, 29), even as His Kingdom (His Eternal Supreme Reign, Rule, Power, Control, Dominion, and Authority) is neither here nor there (is NOT somewhere outside of ourselves) but is WITHIN us (Luke 17; 21). Christ the Living Word, the Eternal Voice of the Father, is the Inward Spirit Man from above Who is renewed day by day as our outward man of the flesh does perish day by day. This same Jesus, the Word Who is God (John 1; 1, 2) Who was manifested among (IN) the flesh (1 Tim. 3; 16), in the (LIKENESS) of sinful flesh (Romans 8; 3) and in the (LIKENESS) of men (Phil. 2; 6 - 8) for God (The Three Who bears record in Heaven, the Father, the Word John 1; 1, 2, and the Holy Spirit, for these Three are One) is NOT a man nor the son of man (Numbers 23; 19) and this One and Only God (Isa. 45; 5, 6) does NOT change (Mal. 3; 6), said unto us while in the flesh, that I do NOT speak my own words but Only the Words of My Father Who is in Heaven. He spoke forth ONLY the Word of God Who is God Who is Spirit and Life (John 6; 63). The Word of God Whom Jesus the man or son of man (whom God is not) spoke, is the Only Begotten Son of God, Whom God sent unto us and we do bear witness of ( 1 John 1; 1, 2) with Whom the Father was well pleased, for the flesh body that God was in the LIKENESS of, CANNOT please God (Romans 8;8), Who was in the LIKENESS of sinful flesh. God (the Three Who bears record in Heaven 1 John 5; 7, the same Three Who said, let US make man in OUR image and after OUR likeness Gen. 1; 26, 27) has NOT flesh as we saw Jesus (the risen resurrected man or son of man) had (Luke 24; 39) ! The One and Only God (Isa. 45; 5, 6) Who changes NOT (Mal. 3; 6) is a Spirit (John 4; 24) Who is contrary to (the opposite of) the flesh that He was in the LIKENESS of (Gal. 5; 17), and the flesh that God Who is a Spirit was in, did persecute (warred against) the Spirit (God the Word Who was in the LIKENESS of sinful flesh (Gal. 4; 29). But God (the Word manifested among us) Who is a Spirit, mortified (killed, crucified, put to permanent rest) the deeds of the flesh He was in the LIKENESS of (Romans 8; 13) so Jesus the man or the son of man did NOT obey or fulfill the lusts of his flesh (Gal. 5; 16). For he did not live by or walk after his flesh, even as we who are born again do not (Romans 8; 1, Eph. 4; 22 - 24). For Gods Son was born of God His Father Who is a Spirit and therefore was Himself a spirit (John 3; 5 - 7). For the children of the flesh (they who are born of the flesh and who are themselves flesh) are NOT the children of God (Romans 9; 8), NOR the Only Begotten Son of God ! The great and mighty religious leaders, who were steeped in the knowledge and understanding of the Written Word, knew, saw, touched and heard Jesus the man or the son of man, but God (the Living Spoken Word fully within Jesus the man or the son of man) they knew NOT ! For they said among themselves, Is this not Jesus whom we know and is it not Joseph his father whom we also know, yet they knew NOT God, He Who made the world (the Word John 1; 1- 3) Who was in the world, but Whom the world knew NOT and received NOT (John 1; 10, 11). Even so it is to this very day ! Jesus the man or the son of man Whom God is NOT (Numbers 23; 19), they know, but God (the Living Spoken Word fully within the man) they know NOT still ! In (Acts 17; 23, 24) it is written, I (Paul) passed by your altar (your place of worship, praise, prayer, sacrifice and dedication unto God) and I found this inscription To the UNKNOWN God (He, the Word Who made the world and all things John 1; 1- 3) Whom you do ignorantly (without knowledge, wisdom or understanding) do worship ! In (Romans 1; 23 - 25) we read, that man has CHANGED the image of the Incorruptible God (He Who changes NOT Mal. 3; 6) into an image made like unto corruptible man (into the image of Jesus the man or the son of man), and they worship the creature (Jesus the man or the son of man) MORE than the Creator (MORE than the Word John 1; 1- 3, Who was fully in the man bodily Col. 2; 9), and for this God has given them up unto their own hurtful lusts (unto sin and the wages of sin which is death Romans 6; 23). With Jesus there are 2 sons, not only one son, one was born of the virgin flesh mother Mary, who was himself flesh, for they who are born of the flesh, who are the children of the flesh who are not the children of God, are flesh (John 3; 5 - 7), and the other Son was born of God Who is a Spirit and Who Himself is a Spirit (John 3; 5 - 7). He was NOT God as a man, nor a man as God, but fully BOTH ! Fully God (the Living Spoken Word fully in the man Jesus) AND fully man who dwelt fully in the Spirit Who is God Who was fully in him ! Many shall say unto the Lord of all (unto the Word Acts 10; 36, 37), unto the Lord of lords (Rev. 19; 13, 16), and He (The Living Word Who is God John 1; 1, 2, and the Son of God 1 John 5; 7) shall say unto them, Depart from Me (the Living Spoken Word) for I NEVER knew you ? Why ? Because Jesus the man or son of man they knew, but Him they NEVER knew ! Jesus the Christ (the Anointed One) is The Living Eternal Spoken Word of God, Who is God Who is Spirit and Truth ! The Word (Christ Who is the Truth John 14; 6) is the Truth (John 17; 17), Whom God (REQUIRES) in our inward parts (Psalms 51; 6). Whom when known, understood, and obeyed, will set us free indeed. For we shall know the Truth (Christ the Son and Word of God) and the Truth shall set and keep us free. For they whom the Son (the Living Word, the Life Who is the Light WITHIN you John 1; 1, 4, 9, the Christ WITHIN you Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, 29) sets free, is free indeed ! It is the Living Word Who is able to heal and deliver us (Psalms 107; 20), and Who is able to save us as a living soul (James 1; 21, Gen. 2; 7), Whom we hide in our heart that we might not sin against God (Psalms 119; 11), Who is the Word (John 1; 1, 2) Whom God sent (1 John 1; 1, 2), to set us free from sin and death ! For He, the Word, is the Life (John 1; 1, 4, 9, John 14; 6), He came to give us more abundantly. Until ONLY He (Christ the Living Spoken Word, The Voice of the Father, our Creator John 1; 1 - 3, Whom Adam heard John Eight; 43, 47, walking in the garden Gen. 3; eight) remains fully in us and no longer we ourselves (Gal. 2; 20) ! God the Living Word is eternal (1 Peter 1; 23) and CANNOT pass away (Matthew 24; 35), so the Living Word Whom God sent unto us, CANNOT die for our sins. Gods only Son the Living Word Who is eternal God, did NOT die for our sins, Marys son, the man or son of man Jesus died for our sins. If the Word Who is God Who created all things (John 1; 1- 3) in Whom we live, move, breathe, and have our being (Acts 17; 24, 25, 28) died for our sins and remained dead for 3 days, then for those three days all things would have ceased to live, move, breath, and have their being, which never happened when Jesus the man or son of man died for our sins ! There is Only One God and NONE else (Isa. 45; 5, 6) and this One and Only God is eternal, and He changes NOT (Mal. 3; 6), and this is the Same God Who was manifested among us IN the flesh (1 Tim. 3; 16). That which dies or can die is NOT eternal (is NOT God, the Living Word), but is temporal ! We know that God became (LIKE) us. We are intelligent enough to know and understand that we are NOT our flesh body. For we know to be absent from our flesh body is to be present with the Lord. If we were our flesh body, we could NOT be absent from it. So why are men so ignorant and arrogant to make God His flesh body in which He dwelt, which would make Him become & be that which we know we ourselves are NOT ? In ( 1 Cor. 15; 50) we read that flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God ! If God Who is the King of the kingdom of God became and is flesh, then He could NOT inherit His own Kingdom ! The flesh is handed over to the devil by God for destruction so that the spirit ( man as a living soul or spirit being) might be saved ( 1 Cor. 5; 5) ! When God created us in Their (OUR/PLURAL) image and after Their (OUR/PLURAL) likeness, He (The Three Who bears record in Heaven Who are One 1 John 5; 7) did not create us to be flesh but to dwell in flesh ! For He is a Spirit (John 4; 24), so He created us to be a Spirit, even as He Himself is also. And they who are born of the Spirit are themselves a spirit and NOT flesh ( John 3; 5- 7) ! For That which is Spirit is Spirit and that which is flesh is flesh, these 2 are NOT the same ! We are a spirit being who lives in a flesh body, even as God Who became Like us, was also ! Selah, Think about it ! We MUST be born again by the Spirit (John 3; 5- 7), Who is God (John 4; 24), for we are born of God (John 1; 13), for we are born again by the Word (1 Peter 1; 23, James 1; 18), Who is God (John 1; 1, 2), Who is the Life IN us (John 1; 1, 4, 9). Thus an INWARD birth ! For they who are a Jew, are not an OUTWARD Jew, but an INWARD Jew ! My home phone # is 1-330-525-0094 should you have any questions concerning this post. Please Ask for Brother Samuel Boe C. Jackson. I look forward to hearing from you as my friend in the world but not of the world, as my partner in the faith as we walk together not by sight, and as your brother in the Lord. .... .... ....
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:48:28 +0000

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