WARNING: You may stumble upon those going around seeking your - TopicsExpress


WARNING: You may stumble upon those going around seeking your signature on a petition asking you to support a re-vote for YOUR Student Body President. -What you are actually signing is a petition in support of a recall election removing an officer from a position. KNOW: -That for any petition or resolution, you are entitled to see in detail exactly what you are signing. -IT is illegal for someone to coerce or force a student to sign a petition for a reason that is different than orally presented to you. TAKE ACTION: -IF you have SIGNED a similar petition in error or due to mis-communication, YOU are entitled the ability to contact the petitioner and retract your support for such a cause. -IF you have questions or concerns for myself regarding the matter, personally message me on fb, or contact me anytime at [email protected]. -IF you witness any student providing students with false reasoning to sign a document, report this activity to the Regional Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs immediately at [email protected]. -IF you would like to stay informed about the ‘State of the Student Body’, follow this link: usfsp.edu/blog/2014/10/23/boyer-delivers-state-of-student-government/?utm_source=HarborNotes+October+24%2C+2014&utm_campaign=HarborNotes+Weekly&utm_medium=email BULLS, stay informed and stay strong, Thanks! Cody J Boyer USFSP Student Body President
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 23:17:33 +0000

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