WARNING !!!! all Facebookers. If you get a p.m. from someone you - TopicsExpress


WARNING !!!! all Facebookers. If you get a p.m. from someone you know saying they received money from Facebook and saw your name on the list of winners, they will tell you to friend Theresa May or someone who is part of admin or something at Facebook. Dont do it, just nearly got me. This is how the first conversation went with supposedly my friend Lynne, dont know how they hacked into her profile but anyway. Hello, How are you doing and hows everything at your end, Hope youre doing well ? Hi Lynne, yeah everything is going ok at this end babe, still working every night in a duo now with my old mate Shuggy, at the Yorkshire Pride 2. Im doing pretty good and extremely happy for my life. Facebook has really change my life for good. I was just wondering if youve heard about it yet. Guess what? 55 minutes ago What ? Have you heard about the Facebook Powerball Grants Program that was imposed by Mr Zuckerberg, in regards to help Facebook Users? No Lynne, what is it? Oh I though youll have heard bout it. They support people with free bonus money. Although, I am so excited because i am one of the lucky winner, I won £150,000.00 cash. Have you gotten yours yet? Eer no, maybe hes forgotten about me, you actually received it ? OMG! I saw your name on the winners list when the Ups came down to my door step delivering my winning money to me. Anyway, i think you should contact the Agent in charge to claim your own money as well. Do you know how to do that? No , you having me on ? Here is the agent link https://facebook/m.agenttheresa Just click on the link and send her a request Ok will do, what you gonna spend your money on Lynne.? Send her a friend request? Just click on the link i send to you it will lead you to her page and send her friend request and message her And say, wheres me dosh missus? You there Lynne? Look at the grammar, I was suspicious about the line :-extremely happy for my life this was something Lynne wouldnt say and certainly wouldnt write. Anyhooo...... did the friend request thingy and this came up next:- Hello Hi How can i help you please....? My friend Lynne told me to contact you about seeing my name on a list of winners of the Facebook Powerball Grants ? My name is Agent Theresa May in charge of Facebook Power-ball Lottery Promotion which was imposed and authorized by the CEO/ Founder of Facebook Mr Mark Zuckerberg. We remember your Facebook User name on our Winners List and congratulation you are one of the Lucky winner of Facebook Power-ball Lottery Promotion. We Embarked on a worldwide promotion for Disable, Unemployed, Workers, Retired, Youngs & Olds peoples, A Sophisticated Automated Database to Randomly select E-mail Accounts that frequently surf the Internet.Consequent upon this, Your Facebook Profile Account was picked for Category A Winners, you have been selected as a winner. We Are United Power To Success and Focus For Deaf People, Hearing, Poor and Retire Workers in the Community, Supported By The United State Of America Government. So your name was chosen on FACEBOOK by the owner of facebook so let us know if you are ready to claim the money now ? Yes I am. CONGRATULATION!!!, Youll have to Fill some Details, So that the UPS can Locate Your Destination at the point of Delivery of your Winning Package & for Momentum Security reasons.. Can you deliver it to an English address? as I live in Spain and do not wish the money to be delivered here. REQUIREMENT DETAILS: FULL NAME :.... FULL ADDRESS :.... DATE OF BIRTH :..... MARITAL STATUS : ..... CELL/ MOBILE NUMBER :..... CHECK OR CASH:................ OCCUPATION :..... E-MAIL ADDRESS :..... WORTH OF INCOME :..... Kindly fill out the details online here. Again, Can you deliver it to an English address? as I live in Spain and do not wish the money to be delivered here.? Yes How much is it ? Fill out the form Goodbye, nice try, whoever you are. Also looked up on Google and this article came up onlinethreatalerts/article/2013/8/1/facebook-powerball-lottery-scam/ So, BE ALERT PEOPLE !!! THEY CAN GET TO YOU THROUGH YOUR FRIENDS ACCOUNTS !!!! Sorry it was so long but thought you needed to know ALL the facts.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:35:23 +0000

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