WARNING and BEWARE!!! ALL FOREIGNERS WHO WANT TO GO TO THE PHILIPPINES. (We were CONNED, EXTORTED, and SCAMMED by A Filipino Indie Film Director and Talent Manager. A FILCAN Indie Movie Turned Out To Be A FILCON, I was Conned April - Sept 2009) A TRUE STORY About Our Lives, of How We Were Conned By A Person We Thought Was Our Friend, Talent Manager,and an Indie Film Director. He posted on FACEBOOK as DIREK PAOLO BUERA,and Paolo Buera, but his real name is ARISTOTEL E. BUERA - He likes to CON MOSTLY FOREIGNERS. I met this man on FACEBOOK. We became friends and he acted very nicely, very friendly. Later he told me he can make my sons as actors. He also told me he WORKED at ABS - CBN as a DIRECTOR, and my sons got a TV program WAITING for them. Then he asked me to invest money on the INDIE FILM. He convinced me the money will be tripled. I ended up borrowing money from my Parents, My brother. and my son to invest on the INDIE FILM FIL-CAN. We Travelled from Canada on Sept 2. 09 to make the movie, but only to find out that is was a CON. The CON ARTIST is the man with a SPOTLIGHT and who is wearing a RED SHIRT at the beginning of the video, and wearing a GREEN and WHITE striped shirt with a CANADIAN red hat given as a gift from me, and he has a woman accomplice. (I owe my parents our plane tickets and I also owe my brother Jhie, and my son, Dean. Until now, I still owe them so much money, hoping I can pay them all.) There was an INCIDENT and he waited for my husband to go out to buy food along with his accomplice named ZENY. My sons cant forget that day when he called me names, screamed at me & tried to hit me in front of them. When I cant afford giving him money, he keeps insisting he is doing all of that for my sons career. My Children DO NOT WISH TO GO BACK in The PHILIPPINES because of our SCARY EXPERIENCE, which ended up FRUSTRATING me very deeply. I really HATED and BLAMED myself for TRUSTING him so much as a FRIEND, even though I really dont know him personally and his personal assistant named Zeny. I put OUR LIVES into DANGER. When I think of that, it makes me so ANGRY and I am HATING HIM so MUCH. My HUSBAND, my 2 young Children and I slept on the floor with only a thin MAT for more than a month. The money that we sent to buy beds for us,Paolo Buera used it for his personal PLEASURES. We paid the Condo RENTALS, BILLS, and other EXPENSES before we got in the Philippines, and when we arrived in the condo, we were paying extra expenses on top of what we were paying, which left us with almost nothing. PAOLO BUERA kept BORROWING MONEY FOR MADE UP ADDITIONAL EXPENSES WITH FALSE PROMISES TO PAY US BACK when the movie is done. Instead, he wanted to use us as his personal ATM MACHINE. We had to SETTLE our ARGUMENTS at the BARANGAY CAPTAINS department (Local Police) Buera promised he would not touch my JEWELRY, and at the PAWN SHOP he pawned my jewelry. He put it in his name and he gave me the receipt and he made a false promise to return what he took from us. Barangay Captains helped us to move out of the condo. We were able to contact my sister to pick us up, then the Barangay used their service vehicle to take us to the bus terminal so that we could go to our province safely. When I went to the pawn shop to re-claim my jewelry, I was shocked to find out all my jewelry was gone. He got a lawyers authorization stating that he lost his receipt. I was shaking, almost fainted and bursted into tears. He took our money (I ended up owing so much money to my family) He even took my movie camera, took my cellphone and took all my jewelry from the pawn shop. He left us with NOTHING. How can he do this to us? After all the good things we did for him and to his mother named Esther. He conned us for making an Indie Movie, paying the condo rental, paying all the bills, even his food, his taxi fare, cooking his food, washing his dishes, cleaning his room, borrowing money from us for laundry, overcharging us, etc. We were like PRISONERS in the condo. I seeked counselling when we came home to CANADA, because we were traumatized by the BAD experience. I SUFFERED TRAUMATIC DEPRESSION, and I lived with this for 5 years now. I know I have to MOVE ON & try to get my life back to NORMAL along with my children. I keep praying to Lord Jesus Christ to give me strength to go on with my life. It took me 5 years to FACE the REALITY. I MADE THIS VIDEO TO WARN OTHER PEOPLE [especially FOREIGNERS] who want to go to the Philippines, and not to make the SAME MISTAKE AS ME. PLEASE BEWARE OF THIS MAN. Thank You. I learned this the hard way. I found out that I shouldnt trust him, even though he was my TALENT MANAGER and DIRECTOR.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 16:26:46 +0000

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