WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT: The video below contains more crack - TopicsExpress


WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT: The video below contains more crack than your eyes can likely handle and I’m not referring to the drug. As an American, I am appalled as I witness Barack Obama systematically attempt to bring America to her knees with an attack on freedom, abuse of the Office of the Presidency, foreign policy decisions and inaction that not only make America a laughingstock, but also put us in danger, and economic policies that are negatively impacting the bottom line of American families around the country and creating burdensome debt and fewer opportunities for future generations. Nowhere is the economic impact being felt more than in the black community. As a black woman, it pains me to witness so many caught up in the cycle of welfare and poverty, made worse by Barack Obama, continue to support and defend Obama. They dissolve him of any guilt and blame, many defending him to no end. This video speaks volumes about just some of the issues plaguing the black community, and society in general. It documents a fight between two women at a welfare office. Children are present, but that doesn’t cause anyone to stop and rethink their actions. Also, rather than stop the fight or seem frantic at what is going on, someone starts filming with a smartphone while laughing. (Why does anyone getting welfare have a smartphone anyway? Maybe they have ‘Obama phones.’ But, that’s another story.) While I don’t know what they were fighting about, one thing is certain – tensions are running high in Obama’s America everywhere, even within the black community at the welfare office. People get closer, but only to cheer her on and film. As one guy gets closer, maybe to stop the fight or maybe to just get a closer look, he is met with multiple punches by a group of girls who push him away from the fight. This is a sad testimony to victims in Obama’s America. Even worse in this case, many of them probably don’t even realize they are victims of his big government destructive policies. They likely continue to blame Bush and view Obama as caring and benevolent.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 20:21:52 +0000

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