(WARRIOR MENTALITY) And from the days of John the Baptist until - TopicsExpress


(WARRIOR MENTALITY) And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.(MATTHEW 11:12) The Warrior fights for Truth and justice, even as the Angels in heaven fight for their Creators plans. Its a thought from the Master mind to subdue evil, purport good, and it comes from the Makers hands. This is a job not designed for sissies; it requires stamina, faith, and a fearless state of mind that wont quit. Oh yeah, the going gets tough sometimes, when the devil fights his games of war, that are far from leg it. But the armed stalwart soldier knows his position, stands his post, alertly watches, lapping from the hand. Dont you know that this battle is mostly in the mind; its a War of the Word, and Gods everlasting command. Guard your minds, ye saints of the most High, for time is short, and the devil is on the prowl, seeking whom he might devour. Yield your whole being to Jehovah, the Lord Jesus Christ, His blood, His Word, and His power.It began in Eden, when Eve believed the beguiling and twisted reasoning of a doomed discarded. And so it is today; the devil still seduces the minds before the body follows, hes an evil, lying hypnotist. We must be ever diligent to hide the Holy Word of God in our hearts that we might not Sin; it will spare us heartache and a burning Hell. If we just heed His Word, repent, be baptized in Jesus name; well receive His Spirit from the never ending well. Soon, the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first; then, we who remain will be caught up. Well rise to meet the Lord in the air; it will be the beginning of a new dimension, of holy, pure and eternal unblemished worship. Oh, the joy of forever abiding with our Lord and the Lover of our souls; it will be divine ecstasy. To miss our awaited heaven, because of pride and Sin would be a hellish tale untold, and a forever travesty. Oh, the Glory that will ensue, the Joy will be profound, as the Groom and His Bride have agreed and consented. For we will be His own, never more to be tempted; our love will be fulfilled with Holys in portals heavenly scented. Who would have thought a stone could take down a giant, with nothing but a slingshot and faith. But, theres more than one plan of attack, when the Lords behind it, and His name is at stake. It will be the harmony of a love for thousands of years, now in full bloom and reciprocal in bowing statures; as we kneel before our Holy God and He bows to lift our faces, wipe away the tears, now forever captured. Its a love for all of eternity that will be a banquet like no other; because now the trials are over, with the purest finality. We have exchanged our Warring gear for robes and crowns, and we will rejoice that we won, with Warrior Mentality. (SHALOM)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 06:59:07 +0000

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