WAS GOD WRONG IN MAKING SAUL KING? This Question came to mind - TopicsExpress


WAS GOD WRONG IN MAKING SAUL KING? This Question came to mind while listening to Ravi Zacharias’ teaching captioned; ‘A Life that Lost Its Focus - Saul’. If you know the story of Saul, I am sure by now you may also be wandering along the fringes of this question. God picked this man up from a small family in a small tribe, placed him up there and told him to keep His people. He told him not to confuse the administrative duties of a king with that of the priestly duties of the priests and the prophets. God told him to rule the people justly, sta away from black arts and witchcraft etc. Was it too much for an unqualified man, qualified by Grace to abide by? Were they rules hard to keep, especially for a man who was humble, kept his father’s sheep and has a good measure of respect around him? So what changed? Was is power? Was it wealth? Did he forget himself? Ok let me put it this way. Was God wrong in putting you where you are today? Is God wrong to have given you the kind of Job you have,the exposure you are getting and the family you have? Do you know what someone will be willing to part with to have the kind of kids you have? The kind of Husband or wife you have? Do you know how much someone envies the kind of Peace and happiness that seem to waft around you? Maybe you think you worked too hard and you deserve it. What if you had a different boss? What if you fell sick on the date of the job interview? What if you met a hard faced panel? What if Your Company went bankrupt before your promotion? What if you didn’t have that job or a job at all? What if your own business never got off the ground? What if you met your husband or wife a day too late…? What if you did not get that bank loan to start the business or you did not have any of your friends to help you with your idea….? What if you never got any body to believe in you? What if you were not where you were born? You see, sometimes we get so carried away by the little things we do and the efforts we put in that we begin to think that these things have made us who we are. Yes you may have planted the oak tree, but we both know that planting and watering alone did not make it that big. There are many things that go on below the surface unknown to us; many subtle complexities and overly inexplicable processes, which will awe the ordinary mind. This is the life we have. We put in little, like the tip of the iceberg, while the chunk of what we become is controlled by undertows of vast unseen workings. The mistake we do is to appropriate the praise, play down whatever has gone into our success story and in the process leave it to fester and blight with decay. So I ask again, was God wrong in bringing you where you are? If not then do not disappoint him. Do not take your talent for granted. Do not leave your shop and go gallivanting with aimless friends when you have clothes to sew, hair to make, business deals to seal and songs to write. Do not leave your home in the care of house helps and friends; there is every reason why you are who and where you are in the family hierarchy and they are who and where they are, do not confuse the roles. Do not treat the things God has blessed you with like a Swine with a Pearl! Do not trample your blessing down and trample on His Grace. Do not take your wife or husband for granted, the wedding vows are sacred and it is not every one who has the guts to say ‘For better for worse’. Do not toy with the upkeep of your children; not everything can be fixed with Satellite TVs, internet and a compulsive and vicious cycle of a-child-asks-a-parent-supplies-without-question, just so you can keep them quiet and out of your hair. Do not leave your health in the hands of your employers and become a burden on your family with time. Do not Place God at the when-I-am-frail-and-about-dying slot. You might die in the prime of your life while the sun is still hot and your blood is running wild with unleashed gaiety. God has not lifted you up and placed all these in your hands only for you to drop them off the precipice. I have seen men who treated their wives like trash until time caught up with them…they are now like zombies to these women. I have seen people who treated their jobs, money and health like they controlled the tap at the other end; they are now begging for drops. I know women who thought they could prove to men they are nothing… now even small boys don’t want them. I have seen people who treated God like He was just an idea…now they sleep in the church room and God is yet to listen to them… Success has destroyed more life than failure has; do not be a victim of your own success. Was God wrong in lifting you to where you are? Remember, there is a David ready to substitute you
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:52:14 +0000

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