WAS SO HOT TODAY, BUT NOT AS HOT AS THE HELLFIRE! Assalaamu alaykum everyone, Da’wah stall today was productive in Leicester city centre, so many people curious about Islam, they hear so much in the media and yet why are more Muslims not there to answer their questions? We only had two volunteers on today, but where was the rest of the Leicester muslims? We even had a Malaysian Tourist come and join us for a time, but where was Leicester? Perhaps because of the weather, we were busy most of the time, despite the hatred stirred up by the media, people are really curious and when approached want to know about Islam and think this is the first Da’wah day in quite some time where no one has sworn at us, not once. One elderly Englishman who my fellow volunteer AH spoke to even said he believed in Allaah, believed in Islam, but in the end would not testify! May Allaah swt guide him, and not leave him in the hellfire like Abu Talib. We need to remember the Shahadah first requires knowledge of its meaning, belief in its meaning, before an outward testifying to that belief. My favourite conversation was with a Turkish apostate, who had left Islam some time ago. Just to show it is not an indo-Pak problem, he had been put off Islam after being beaten in Quran school, after his parents sent him there memorise the whole Quran but the teachers were only interested in rote learning, never telling them why they should submit to Allaah. Still after a short period of time, he accepted there was a creator, the Quran was probably true and no explanation for the scientific miracles in the Quran, though still would not accept it as didn’t want to give up drinking and smoking during Ramadhan. He said he wanted to submit one day, but wanted to do it properly, wholeheartedly and though he knew this was wrong, said his intention was one day to return now, may Allaah swt guide him back to Islam before his time on the earth is done, better to be a sinful Muslim than not at all. My most frustrating conversation with was an elderly English lady who was a Hari Krishna follower, who after a quick brief discussion where I questioned how she knew she was upon the truth declared I was a blasphemer and that would maybe discuss it with me again in the next life! Would love to see some of the Leicester brothers increasing their reward this ramadhan by helping with the Da’wah, the more people on the stall, the busier it seems, the easier it is for people to stop and talk. We should all ask ourselves, if we are not in work or classes what is stopping us giving the Da’wah? Soon the shaitan will be locked away, so if you cannot give da’wah in Ramadhan you can only blame yourself. Maybe you feel shy? Maybe your feel you lack knowledge? Maybe you just don’t know how to start? But will any of these things change if you don’t make a start and start learning how to give da’wah? We’ll be back on the Outreach4Islam Da’wah stall this Wednesday, 12noon – 3pm, at the clocktower and would love to have more of the brothers with us. Assalaamu Alaykum, Daw’ud Outreach4Islam Coordinator
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 15:47:02 +0000

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