WASEELA It is the belief of the Ahl-as-Sunnah that it is - TopicsExpress


WASEELA It is the belief of the Ahl-as-Sunnah that it is permissible to supplicate to Allah with the Tawasul of good deeds. It is permitted to supplicate with the Tawasul of a living pious person and it is also permitted to supplicate with the Tawasul of the deceased pious person. It is this belief that we shall prove in this chapter. (Insha’allah) The following is evidence that proves that it is permitted to seek the Waseela of the living and the deceased; Proof from the Qur’an Allah most High says in the Holy Quran: O you who Believe! Do your duties to Allah and fear Him seek the means of approach unto him, and strive (with might and main) in His cause so that you may prosper. (Surah Mai’dah verse 35, Surah 5) In this verse, Allah has informed us to seek ways of obtaining Waseela, a means to approach Him. Our Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), is our Waseela in this world and hereafter. Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran: Before that, they were asking for victory over the infidels by means of the same Prophet. Surah Baqarah verse 89 Imam Tabari, Hafidhh Ibn ul Qayyum al Jawzi, Hafidhh Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write that before the birth of the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), the Jews would make the Prophet, Allahs peace and blessings be upon him, a Waseela in their supplications, when asking Allah to defeat their enemies in battle. (Tafsir Ibn Jareer, Tafsir Ibn Kathir & Tafsir Fath ul Qadeer Shawkaani. Ibn Qayyum. Under, verse Baqarah 89 and Hadaya-tul-Hayara page 95 by Hafidhh Ibn Qayyum al Jawzi. Someone may object to this by saying that this was an act of the Jews, hence it cannot be used as evidence for Muslims. However, Allah has mentioned this event in the Quran and did not condemn this, therefore this demonstrates that if it were impermissable the Holy Quran would not have mentioned it, nor left it unremanded
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:26:51 +0000

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