WASHINGTON, D.C. – Quietly, the Obama administration is - TopicsExpress


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Quietly, the Obama administration is systematically putting into place a two-ocean globalist plan that will dwarf all prior trade agreements, including NAFTA, with the goal of establishing the global sovereignty envisioned by New World Order enthusiasts. The two agreements are the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TIPP. Ads by Google Truly Nolen Pest ControlFree Inspection-100% Guarantee $25 Off Pest Control. Call Now! TrulyNolen Forex MarketThe Dollar And Euro Are Doomed. These 3 Currencies Will Take Over. WallStreetDaily/Free-Report WND has learned the Obama administration plans to jam the TPP through Congress no later than Dec. 31. Plans to implement the Trans-Atlantic agreement have now begun in tandem with the implementation the Trans-Pacific agreement that has been in place for almost two years. The Obama administration calculates that passage of the TIPP will be reduced to a rubber-stamp decision once Congress has already passed the TPP. Largely unreported by establishment media, the 17th round of Trans-Pacific or TPP negotiations is taking place in Lima, Peru, May 15-24, as revealed on the official government website of the U.S. Trade Representative, a division of the Executive Office of the President. The website of the U.S. Trade Representative also announces Obama’s decision to launch the Transatlantic or TIPP negotiations, derived from a detailed exploratory process that began at the November 2011 U.S.-EU Summit, a development that also took place with little noticed by establishment media. Since 2007, as WND has reported, globalists controlling free-trade policy within the U.S. government have been planning to achieve European Union and United States political integration, beginning with the TIPP free-trade agreement. As WND reported in 2007, President George W. Bush, at a summit meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of the EU Commission Manuel Barroso, signed an agreement in Washington creating “a permanent body” that committed the U.S. to “deeper transatlantic economic integration.” The “Transatlantic Economic Integration” agreement put in place the Transatlantic Economic Council to be chaired in the U.S. by a Cabinet-level officer in the White House and on the EU side by a member of the European Commission. A brave new world of trade As WND previously reported, Obama announced in his 2013 State of the Union address the addition of the trans-Atlantic free-trade agreement to the agenda already in place to create the counterpart trans-Atlantic free-trade agreement: To boost American exports, support American jobs and level the playing field in the growing markets of Asia, we intend to complete negotiations on a Trans-Pacific Partnership. And tonight, I’m announcing that we will launch talks on a comprehensive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the European Union – because trade that is fair and free across the Atlantic supports millions of good-paying American jobs. (Applause.) The promise of creating new jobs drew congressional applause despite legitimate concerns that previous trade agreements, including NAFTA and U.S. participation in the World Trade Organization, have resulted in the loss of millions of high-salary U.S. jobs overseas to nations with less expensive markets. The globalists advising the Obama administration appear to have learned from the adverse public reaction to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, to avoid leader summit meetings so that the international “working group” coordination needed to create these international free-trade agreements is kept away from a critical alternative news media. The Obama administration has shut down the Security and Prosperity Partnership website, SPP.gov. The last joint statement issued by the newly formed North American Leaders Summit, operating as the rebranded SPP, was issued April 2, 2012, at the conclusion of the last tri-lateral head-of-state meeting between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, held in Washington, D.C. It was the sixth North American leaders summit. The previous meetings were: Waco, Texas (2005), where the SPP was first announced; Cancun (2006); Montebello, Canada (2007); New Orleans (2008); and Guadalajara (2009). WND has previously reported the North American integration planned first under the SPP and now under the rubric of the North American Leaders Summit follows a plan initially developed by the Council on Foreign Relations, openly expressed in the May 2005 CFR report “Building a North American Community.” Fast track WND has previously reported the Obama administration plans to jam the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress by pursuing “fast track authority” that would restrict congressional prerogatives to an up-or-down vote, with the intention of pushing TPP through Congress by the end of this year. Fast-track authority, a provision under the Trade Promotion Authority, requires Congress to review an FTA under limited debate, in an accelerated time frame subject to a yes-or-no vote. Under fast-track authority, there is no provision for Congress to modify the agreement by submitting amendments. Fast-track authority also treats the FTA as if it were trade legislation being negotiated by the executive branch. The purpose is to assure foreign partners that the FTA, once signed, will not be changed during the legislative process. A report released Jan. 24 by the Congressional Research Service, titled “The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Issues for Congress,” makes clear the Obama administration does not have fast-track authority to negotiate the TPP, even though the office of the U.S. Trade Representative is acting as if fact-track authority is in effect. The present negotiations are not being conducted under the auspices of formal trade promotion authority, or TPA, according to the CRS report. The latest TPA expired July 1, 2007. The administration, however, is informally following the procedures of the former TPA. If TPP implementing legislation is brought to Congress, TPA may need to be considered if the legislation is not to be subject to potentially debilitating amendments or rejection, the report says. A graphic of the reach of the Trans-Pacific agreement presented in the CRS report on the first page shows the reach of the agreement across the Pacific Ocean, including Peru and Chile in South America; Australia and New Zealand; Malaysia, as well as Vietnam in Southeast Asia; Singapore; and Japan. The North American detail of the graphic, right, shows trade from Canada is shown extending down into roughly Oklahoma in the U.S. and trade from Mexico extending north into the U.S., roughly to Colorado. According to the CRS report, Obama formally notified Congress of his administration’s decision to enter into negotiations with the TPP countries on Dec. 14, 2009. The notification set off a 90-day timeline under the now-expired 2002 trade promotion authority legislation for congressional consultations prior to the beginning of negotiations. There is nothing on the public record to indicate Congress objected in any way to the Obama administration proceeding with the Bush administration plan to finalize TPP negotiations. Printer Friendly Text smaller Text bigger 323
Posted on: Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:28:35 +0000

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