WASHINGTON RALLY CALL: IT IS TIME FOR ACTION Organizer says We the People have had enough of Obama administration DATE: Rally in DC on Independence Day, Nov 19, 2013 A mass demonstration has been announced for Washington to combine all the frustration Americans have over the Obama scandals – Benghazi, Navy SEALs, Fast and Furious, the IRS, the NSA, Obamacare, amnesty for illegal aliens and others – and press for action. its goals are to do more than just raise awareness, lodge a complaint and express concern. The website explains: “Short of violent revolution which we hope to avoid, civil disobedience in the style of Mahatma Gandhi in India … Lech Walesa in Poland, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and most recently, democracy-minded Egyptians in Tahir Square, must be employed urgently before the nation goes under for the count.” Klayman confirmed Tuesday that the National Park Service has granted a permit for the events. “Never before has such a widespread coalition been compiled to show peaceful, non-violent force, as in the days leading up to the first American Revolution. As our great Founding Father and second American president declared, ‘[w]hen the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty,’” said Klayman’s announcement. “A list of demands of legitimate grievances will be presented to President Obama and other government leaders that they can either address and remedy or be called upon to resign from office.” “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bi-partisan political enablers. It is time for action, and not words. Together, the American people will prevail and we will save this nation from extinction at the hands of a present government that could care less about the legitimate needs of the people. We welcome persons from all spectra of our society to join us in this quest to reclaim freedom for the masses,” Klayman said. Listed as coalition members are 2 Million Bikers to DC, Special Operations Speaks, Western Center for Journalism, Jihad Watch, Freedom Watch, Declaration Alliance, RenewAmerica, Americans Against Hate, Tea Party Solutions Inc. (Ocala, Fla.), Constitutional Patriots, Ride for the Constitution, Gear Up Foundation, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Intl., Sons of Liberty, Pro-Life Nation, Operation Rescue, Morgan Brittany (actress and activist), Political Media, Inc. and Constitutional Right Wing Rants & Ravess PAC . Explains the website: “We propose bringing some of the victims of President Obama’s administration and having them give their testimony about how they have been harmed by him and his enablers. Such victims will include … the widows and parents of those who died at Benghazi; other military families whose sons or daughters have been sacrificed based on Obama’s Muslim outreach, which favors protecting the Islamic enemy over our own troops; those who have been audited and harassed by the IRS, spied upon by the NSA, victimized by illegal immigration, or persecuted by Obamacare; and those who feel that the U.S. Constitution is being trampled on as a matter of course and that their freedoms are being subverted and destroyed.” Klayman, in an address during a rally on behalf of veterans, said America “was founded on the principle, when in the course of human events, the people whose grievances are no longer heard, that we have a God-given duty to alter or abolish our system of government and to install a new system of government.” “I remind you of the words of John Adams … that it doesn’t matter how many times we change our … rules, without ethics, morality and religion, we will have no lasting liberty,” he said. “We must have the means to literally camp in Washington, D.C., and not leave until we get results,” explains the website’s agenda for the event.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 02:28:44 +0000

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