WASTED CITIES WITH VALUELESS STRUCTURES UNDER THE SUN! Nigeria is federation of thirty six (36) states and a capital territory, Abuja. The Government has a President in the federation and each of the state has a governor. They also use the term “governor” as title for heads of Central bank of Nigeria and the capital territory. It means that the federation has a total of thirty eight (38) governors and one President. That is by the way. One vital thing to note here is that Ogun State is generally counted among the few largest states both in geography and resources. It is not known to everybody in the country but it is officially known that Ogun State has the highest number of schools and congregation in the entire federation. The bad thing here is that all the schools and congregation (churches and mosques) are situated in limbo. The term limbo is known to the wise as a very poor, retarded and Godforsaken state (country or home town) in realm of jungle. The state is not found in contemporary side of the jungle, and it is not divinely recognized due to lack of illumination, progress and advancement in nature. It means that limbo together with everything in it is far away from God who is known to dwell in Supernatural where he serves as light to the wise. The divine presence has no place (room) in limbo because the state has little or no room to accommodate light from the Supernatural. The absence of light is due to folly, ignorance, pretense, dishonesty and evil that is found there in great measure. The point I have to drive home here is that there are too many wasted lives and valueless structures in Ogun State of Nigeria. If we ask me, I will tell us that I am an erudite seer from East where Sun rises. I mean have lived in Ogun State for years and I know everything that happens there under the Sun. Things like school and congregation there are too many without value. Lucrative companies are also there but all of them are privately owned and managed by white men in the dead country, Nigeria. If we ask the wise, they will tell us that the schools (colleges, polytechnics and universities - both private and public) are producing quacks and mediocrities due to absence of illumination in limbo. The churches and mosques are there like monsters and forces of retardation. I mean the religious place is doing more harm to the souls both individually and collectively. We see them in great insight serving as evil sponge for brainwashing the souls in limbo. Come to think of it! Religious denominations in the country are highly competitive in nature. Why??? I mean we have churches and mosques bearing different names under different denominations. They are all well established and formally registered as business ventures in the federation. Each of them has separate camping ground, and all the camps are situated in Ogun State of Nigeria, a dead country in limbo of downhill under the Sun. Prominent ones are built along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. They include MFM Camp a.k.a Prayer City, Deeper Life Camp a.k.a Holy City, and RCCG Camp a.k.a Redemption City. These and many more others are mentally featured as wasted cities with valueless structures. This is very true because the camps are known to the public as cities, and so many structures are found in each of them wasting away for nothing under the Sun. Most of the buildings in the each of the camps worth billions of Naira but nobody is living or working in them. They are just there for nothing, and I called them shadows of deceit because they have no real value for humanity under the Sun. They have them as magnificent structures with great colors, beauty flowers and splendors. The environments (scenery) look attractive but the houses or buildings are empty with well-fed insects and animals (cockroaches, spiders, rats and what have you) living in them. The worst camp with these wasted structures is MFM Camp a.k.a Prayer City. The annoying thing is that we have millions of applicants (unemployed graduates) in Ogun state. They are everywhere looking for jobs while religious leaders are there building cities without value. I mean the white (strangers) are everywhere in Nigeria creating jobs, exploiting our resources, and building lucrative companies while the citizens (the black) are much rather like fools in limbo producing prayers in deceit, pretense and make believe. All the vital products (utilities) in Africa are made, manufactured or produced by white men in the continent especially in Nigeria. They are seen everywhere planting lucrative companies in the federation while the indigenes (Nigerians) are there producing empty prayers and senseless dreams, just there in limbo chasing shadows and nothingness. I have to say all these because I was in MFM Camp a.k.a Prayer City few days ago (March, 2014). I saw beautiful structures there wasting away for nothing. They were built with billions of naira which were contributed by multitude of fools who often come there chasing shadows, aiming at mirage and longing for Manna, miracle and blessing which they did not work for. If one goes to the place today one will see them still building more and more gigantic structures for nothing. The particular one that I saw them erecting presently is called DELIVERANCE STADIUM. One needs to go there and see the strange and useless things growing under the Sun. I mean they are just building shadows of nothingness in wasted cities. What an ugly thing in limbo! They are just there misusing wealth that can be used to establish lucrative companies for the people to work and earn good living under the Sun. Sorry to the black in retardation! God damned elements in sheep clothing!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:42:55 +0000

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