WATCH , CAREFULLY LISTEN, READ & SHARE! The Current President - TopicsExpress


WATCH , CAREFULLY LISTEN, READ & SHARE! The Current President as Commander In Chief & his Vice President gave way too much information regarding the entire mission. What harms was obama & biden put in as the leaders of the United States of America - Did obama gain a hazard by authorizing Our Military - specifically Our Navy Seals Teams To physically go after Usama bin Laden; can obama claim harm for signing such an order? What physical or emotional harm was detrimentally gained by obama. Vice President joe biden - openly shot his mouth off releasing all the details about our Navy Seals Team - is that an emotional &/or physical injury that joe biden can claim? I saw no threats of intimidation, no guns pointed at either obama or biden when they were taking their victory laps? When they nauseatingly repeated over time bin Laden is dead &, Weve got al Qaeda is on the run what physical or emotional disability can be attributed to “taking a victory lap” just to “suit your own political agenda as well as your parties agenda? Can obama & biden claim a medical injury because they shouted these phrases all over our country from the east to the west & north to our southern coast and borders as well as everywhere in between. How are the above remarks reiterated by both obama & biden over 32 times since bin Laden was killed a medical disability for either of these persons “in charge of running our country”? Yet these outright liars & frauds in Our White House had no problem in pushing their agenda & speak, as they did when it suited there purposes. All the information released by obama & biden put all our Military In Harms Way, which makes obama & biden a detriment to the safety of All Americans no matter where we happen physically be located all over the world. obama & biden egregious actions are tantamount to treasonous acts against all American Citizens all over the world – no matter where we are located. Our Military personnel were used as obama & biden pushed their narratives. Yet, obama has no problem threatening & using the Department of Justice to sue all our Military who clearly took all the risks. I stand with all our Military no matter which branch of service they are in in standing up and giving closure to all the victims of 9-11-2001. We, the American Public, owe all those in our Military a huge debt of gratitude far more than obama &/or any one in obamas cabinet or obamas administration. God Bless Robert ONeill and all those who serve in Our Military no matter what branch of service they enter to fight on our behalf and keep us, the civilian American Population, safe and away from harm. Bless Our Military Always. Amen. WATCH , CAREFULLY LISTEN, READ & SHARE!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:49:11 +0000

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