WATCH OUT FOR GEN. 3:1a... There lived a man who knew - TopicsExpress


WATCH OUT FOR GEN. 3:1a... There lived a man who knew God and was committed to fulfilling Gods purpose for his life. One day, his Master saw his zeal and passion and decided to give him a help meet; a woman he could call a wife! When his Master brought the woman, the man was so happy and cleaved unto her. The bond between them was so strong and the love divine, because it was instituted by the Master! But, probably out of so much joy and excitement, they got carried away and careless! Just IMMEDIATELY AFTER this great testimony, an old fool got more angry about the whole event, because he knows that their two will now chase ten thousand to flight, and this will be a threat to his territory! He became MORE SUBTLE and started looking for ways to make them offend their Master so as to break their fellowship with Him and hinder them from enjoying the promised blessings and victory! This old fool then devised a means! Knowing how much the man loves his woman, the old fool decided to go through the woman. He started by asking her some questions! (If only the woman was sensitive enough to ignore his questions or probably go and inquire from her husband first or talk to their Master; but she engaged the serpent in a conversation!) Through this, the serpent was able to confuse her, and inturn got her husband! (If only the husband was also sensitive enough to ask questions, or pause before eating!). The serpent(devil) succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit! This sin of disobedience altered Gods original plan for their lives and entire generation!!! If only theyd known! (Genesis 2,3). Its a pity today that the devil has succeeded in soiling many peoples testimony! When it comes to the issue of marriage especially for children of God, the devil always try not to bring the right persons together! If perhaps, the man/woman prays fervently, and he/she gets engaged Gods way; the devil keeps fighting and seeking for ways to make them get carried away and sin against God which can alter Gods plan for them OR he keeps bringing up issues just to hinder the marriage! But if the intending couple are sensitive enough to wrestle in the place of prayer and not give up, then the victory will be theirs! But he doesnt stop there, he keeps fighting even in marriage! But at this stage, the ROCK OF AGES is their SURE foundation and they can never fail as long as they perform their duties in accordance with Gods Word! The devil knows that when a believer succeeds in getting married to the right man/woman; his kingdom is in trouble; so he struggles so hard to frustrate/prevent that! But whether the devil likes it or not; as children of God, we will have godly successful marriages in Jesus name, because It is OUR INHERITANCE! My dear brothers/sisters in godly courtship, we rejoice with you! But please dont get carried away! The battle isnt yet over, the devil isnt resting!!! Keep fighting! Keep praying! Permit me to tell you that at this stage, the devil is MORE SUBTLE (Genesis 3:1a)! Let your courtship be a time to pray more for the future you both are about to start, to get more grounded in the Word of God, to work more on your career/business, build godly virtues, win souls for Christ, etc. You can even discipline yourself as to always read a godly book once a month that pertains to spiritual/marital life; and when you both meet or talk, you talk about the lessons learnt and how to put them into practice and other important things! Mind your visits! Set your boundaries! Permit me to say when you notice those high moments, please that may be the best time to depart and go home; dont manage it! Avoid staying in the dark! You may say: I know what Im doing, Im not a kid; Hmmm...Go and ask Samson, David, Adam...not by age/strength! Matthew 26:41: Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Also, when theres nothing else to say on phone, just pray and go to bed; avoid saying rubbish that can lead to immorality! Dont offend God! Dont disappoint Him! Dont let Him have any cause to regret giving you that testimony! Let God be so pleased to even release greater blessings upon your union! 1Peter 5:8(AMP):Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. PERADVENTURE, you are in courtship and have fallen into sin, why not go to God NOW in prayers...cry out to Him...Dont joke with this...Whatever way your sinful act may have caused His wrath and altered His plan, ask Him to forgive you...let your trusted Spiritual leader pray for you too...May Gods mercy prevail!!! May God preserve all godly courtship and marriages! May God respond speedily in His Divine favour to the godly waiting singles! May God tear apart every wrong relationships! May God listen to the cries of those who have missed it in the area of marriage, and bring peace and calmness to the raging storms in their homes in JESUS NAME-AMEN! WATCH OUT!!! Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:42:16 +0000

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