WATCH YOUR ACTIONS..... Some years ago, a learned pious man was - TopicsExpress


WATCH YOUR ACTIONS..... Some years ago, a learned pious man was invited to start a children’s healthy charity organization at a city nearby. One day after a day full of charity work, the man boarded a bus so he could return home. One the ride back, he discovered the bus driver had accidentally given him an extra 50 pence in change. He considered what to do and thought to himself “should I return this extra change to the driver?”. Then he thought. “ Oh why should I? I could keep it for myself. After all, I do charity work all day… I deserve SOME credit. Not to mention, these bus company people get too much fare. It’s overpriced, they won’t miss a few coins.” He decided to accept it as a “gift for his hard work” and kept quiet on the entire ride home. However, when he was about to get off the bus, he hesitated and paused momentarily at the door and looked at the coins in his pocket and thought “Was this the right thing to do….?” Finally, he gave in to his pious nature and spoke to the driver ‘Here, you gave me too much change.” The driver smiled and asked “ Aren’t you the same guy who is the head of the charity organization?” The man replied quizzically, “Why yes I am, why does that matter though?” The driver grinned even wider. “ Well, I have been wondering for quite a while whether your organization is worth supporting. I have a friend who has trusted me with a hundred thousand pounds to donate to a charity. I was testing you today to see whether you would be trustworthy enough to donate the hundred thousand to. See you tomorrow at the bank. And with a wave, he and his bus disappeared down the lane. When the man got off the bus, he grabbed onto the nearest light pole, totally shaken up by what he had just heard. A h-h-undred thousand? He stammered. He could only imagine how many children that could be cured in a hundred thousand! Oh I nearly diverted a man from donating money and earning good rewards. All over 50 pence!” Moral of the Story Your actions can either encourage or discourage someone from doing a good deed and you will be held responsible for it So take care of your actions. Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:42:38 +0000

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