WATER RESOURCESQ1.Which substance is called liquid of life?Ans. - TopicsExpress


WATER RESOURCESQ1.Which substance is called liquid of life?Ans. Water. Q2. Why water is called liquid of life?Ans. Because animal body is made of 50 to 80% water while plant body has 60 to 90% water. Q3. Which civilization is the oldest in the world?Ans. River valley civilization. Q4. What is the oldest culture of the world?Ans. Agriculture. Q5. How much part of the earth is occupied by water?Ans. 2/3 rd part. Q6. What is the percentage of potable water on earth?Ans. 3%. Q7. What is potable water?Ans. Water that can be used for drinking, bathing and irrigation purposes. Q8. What is fresh water?Ans. Water without salts. Q9. What is the percentage of ground water?Ans. 0.625%. Q10. List 2 states of India with low groundwater potential.Ans. Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. Q11. Why water is considered as a renewable natural resource?Ans. Because there is water cycle or hydrological cycle. Q12. What is the requirement of drinkable water per person per day?Ans. 3 litres. Q13. List 3 qualities of drinkable water.Ans. Colourless, odourless, tasteless. Q14. What is the source of potable water for Indore city of Madhya Pradesh?Ans. Narmada river, Mandleshwar tehsil at the distance of 75 km. Q15. List 3 big cities of India situated along the banks of Ganga river.Ans. Kolkata, Varanasi, Kanpur. Q16. On the banks of which river are Delhi and Agra situated?Ans. Yamuna river. Q17. List any 5 factories which need plenty of water for their working?Ans. i) Leather tanningii) Textile millsiii) Paper pulp industryiv) Chemical industryv) Cement factory Q18. Which place in the world is well known for textile industry?Ans. Manchester. Q19. Which city is called “Manchester of India”?Ans. Ahmedabad Q20. What is hard water?Ans. Water containing salts of Calcium and Magnesium. It does not produce lather when soap is applied. Q21. Name an ornamental article obtained from sea water.Ans. Pearl. Q22. Which countries are earning petrodollars?Ans. Gulf Countries. Q23. What are sources of mineral oil in India?Ans. i) Bombay Highii) Ankaleshwar (Gujarat) Q24. In what proportions potable water is used in India for agriculture, industry and domestic purposes?Ans. Agriculture 90%, Industries 7% and Domestic uses 3%. Q25. List 6 upper ground sources of terrestrial water.Ans. i) Rains ii) Rivers iii) Ponds iv) Lakes v) Glaciers vi) Springs Q26. List various causes of scarcity of potable water.Ans. i) Population explosion ii) Urbanisation iii) Water pollution iv) Irregular rainsv) Deep drilling vi) Life stylevii) Cheap rates of potable water Q27. What is one main cause of the scarcity of potable water?Ans. Water pollution due to industrialization. Q28. What is the main cause of flood?Ans. Excessive rains. Q29. List any 5 rivers of India which frequently cause floods.Ans. i) Brahmaputraii) Gangaiii) Kosiiv) Mahanadiv) Mahanandavi) Narmada Q30. Which river was responsible for flood in Bihar?Ans. Kosi river. Q31. How felling of trees results in floods?Ans. Roots of trees bind the soil. Due to cutting of trees the soil becomes lose and gets eroded to banks of rivers. The rivers become shallow and water level rises up resulting in floods. Q32. What is the most conventional way to check the floods?Ans. By planting trees along the river banks. Q33. What is the cause of drought?Ans. Failure of rains in one or more subsequent seasons. Q34. What types of works are started by the Governments under drought relief projects?Ans. i) Road constructionii) Minor irrigation iii) Plantation Q35. Under which condition a state is declared as drought affected?Ans. If the rain fall is 75% less than the average. Q36. Which river was responsible for floods in Hoshangabad in 1973?Ans. Narmada river. Q37. Which state of India is mostly drought hit?Ans. Rajasthan. Q38. Which human activity is responsible for drought?Ans. Deforestation. Q39. List 3 bad effects of drought.Ans. i) Migration of human beings and animals to Border States.ii) Famine conditionsiii) Extinction of some species of animals as well as plants. Q40. List 6 control measures for drought.Ans. i) Plantation ii) Starting dry farmingiii) Conservation of wateriv) Judicious use of ground water.v) Construction of water reservoirs.vi) Proper maintenance of conventional sources of water. Q41. Proper sharing of water of which river is the cause of conflict amongst Russia, Germany and Austria?Ans. Danube river Q42. Water of which dam is the cause of conflict between India and Bangladesh?Ans. Farakka dam on Ganga river. Q43. Water of which river is cause of dispute between India and Pakistan?Ans. Sindhu river Q44. Water of which river is the cause of dispute between the state of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu?Ans. Kaveri river Q45. List 3 states covered by Narmada river.Ans. i) M.P.ii) Gujratiii) Maharashtra Q46. From where does Narmada river originate? Ans. Amarkantak in M.P. Q47. What is the catchment area of Narmada river?Ans. 98796 sq km. Q48. Out of various big rivers of India which river is the least populated?Ans. Narmada river. Q49. List 2 most populous countries of the world which have maximum number of dams.Ans. India and China Q50. In which state Bhakra Nangal dam is located?Ans. Punjab state. Q51. What is the location of Hirakund dam?Ans. Orrisa state. Q52. List 3 dams of M.P.Ans. Sardar Sarovar Dam, Narmada Sagar Dam, Tawa Dam Q53. List 3 advantages of dams.Ans. i) Irrigationii) Generation of hydroelectricityiii) Development of fisheries. Q54. List 4 disadvantages of dams.Ans. i) Displacement of human populationii) Salinity of soiliii) Outbreak of Malariaiv)Earthquake
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 03:48:33 +0000

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