WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE IN SULU, BUT NOT A DROP TO DRINK. . by Doc Raden Ikbala We are thirstily calling on sir SAKUR TAN, whoever of the two will do, for we are too arid to discern, or even if we are in our hydrated state we still find it difficult to collate for the raayat sees that “HE AND THE FATHER ARE ONE”. . via the powerful SULU AREA COORDINATING CENTRE of Hadji Fazlur-Rahman Abdulla and usec Jake Ahijon, and the office of the PIO attn Sonny Abing III and my revered friend Engr. Ben Akalal. .to FORCE the JOLO MAINLAND WATER DISTRICT pop. NAWASA, to pay its bill with the SULECO. . the electric bill of four million pesos can be paid by a month’s collection from the 8 barangays even with a minimum cubit consumption equivalent to P300 per household. . . about 40% of the Jolo population has no running water for two months now, especially in those areas one to two meters above sea level such as at Kasanyangan and Kasalamatan. . we have to line at the gates of philanthropic citizens such as the owner of WATER MARKET at Kakuyagan who provides drilled water GRATIS. .FREE. .but most of the time we have to pay someone to fetch water, plus the tricycle fare, averaging an additional p3000/mo. to our expenditure. .not to mention the wasted time we have to wait for the fetched water to arrive. .my wife and i, plus my crutches, have to carry the water from the frontyard to toilet/BR. . .”nawasa” currently uses the generator donated by the Americans, but even with the help of “domestic” water pump it only fills a standard container equivalent to 4 gallons of water. .the tap water slowly flows only for 10 minutes! .and NOT EVERYDAY! . THANKFUL FOR THE MIDNIGHT RAIN. . ALHAMDULILLAH, we are grateful everytime it rains. .even at midnight my wife and i arouse from our deep slumber to fill our barrels. .indeed, the Qur’an is right in describing the RAIN as “BLESSED WATER”. .insha ALLAH, i will provide the Ayat reference later. . SULU IS 1/3 A WATERWORLD. . .ten days ago my wife and i had our photo taken at the observation deck of the Astanah constructed by anthropologist-by-virtue-of-his-love-for-Tausug-culture Bim Quemado, at Mt. Bayug, with the hollow mountain containing Seit Lake as our backdrop, as an evidence that Sulu is pregnant with water. . the University of the Philippines geologists of the SULU WATER PROJECT wondered why there is a scarcity of water in the Tausug houses when in fact there is water everywhere Sulu based on their geodetic survey. .ohh, only Panglima Estino Municipality availed of the expertise of the UP scientists. . [Response to this post: Sonny Y. Abing III: SULECO AND THE JMWD at present are now in negotiation on payment and restructuring of the bills incurred by the JMWD to SULECO. VG Tan already instructed the JMWD to use backup generators to fill the gap. It is expected that they will reach an agreement within the current month. This was the agreement in a meeting between the two parties called by VG Tan at Provincial CAPITOL last September and at the PPOC early last month. FYI. ]
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 13:56:50 +0000

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