WAYS TO ENJOY SINGLEHOOD AND EFFECT SPEED IN YOUR MARITAL DESTINY 1. Self Presentation: How you see and present yourself determines how others perceive you. The value you place on yourself and what you do is the value others will place on you. There is a proverb in my place that says “If the owner of a thing disregards it, others will misuse it and discard it.” If anyone talks down on you, you must have presented yourself that way without you knowing. You may be thinking; how does this have to do with me effecting speed in my marriage? It has a lot to do with it, because someone has to place value on you in other to marry you. If they do not value you, they cannot marry you. So having self value will speed up your marital destiny. Even in marriage you have to present yourself well enough so you can continuously earn your spouse’ respect. There are wives today that insult their husbands. Believe me, they did not start that way, over time because of mis-presentation and misbehaviour, what Africans call ‘See Finish” crept into the home and the wife started dis valuing and insulting her husband. Some men wonder why their wives insult them; they caused it. They either had presented a wrong image or they are unfaithful. Nothing makes a woman disregard a man like unfaithfulness. When you are unfaithful to a woman, you kill a part of her that you may never recover back. Learn to present a good self image; it plays a large role in your marriage journey. Put on the right packaging and never appear to be desperate. Desperation makes you to sell yourself cheap; people always take advantage of a desperate person. This happens anytime you go to the market to purchase goods; when you show too much interest on a particular item, the seller takes advantage of you and stay on a price, knowing you are desperate to buy it. Your image forms your attitude, attitude forms your life style and your life style influences you and others around you. If you can build up a good self image and make a right presentation of yourself, you will become valuable and attractive enough to attract the right spouse. WAYS TO BUILD UP A GOOD SELF IMAGE Know that you are God’s master piece. Remind yourself that you are valuable. Be conscious of the fact, that you are the only one that looks like you in the whole world and that you are special. Show yourself some respect. 2. Patience: Patience is the ability to wait to turn a trash to a treasure. Patience is the vehicle that drives every destiny to its destination. Patience transports a relationship from one point to another. It is the ingredient that turns a sick marriage to a healthy one. There is no marriage on planet earth that patience is not required at one point or the other. This is because there is no perfect person on the earth, you cannot have two imperfect persons come together to make a perfect marriage. So patience is required in every home and relationship. This is where a lot of people miss it. They easily get tired of waiting, and complain easily. The man or woman you are complaining about, another partner will come their way and stay with them. God himself is a patient God; He does not rush at things. Never rush at things, learn patience. The beginning may be small but stay at it, it will increase. The gap between the little beginnings and the later increase is nothing but “Patience.” Impatient can lead to anxiety, anxiety leads to worries, worries lead to depression and depression can dry one up and make them less attractive to their prospective spouse. 3. Stop Comparison: Wise people do not compare others with self. If you want to stay happy in life, avoid comparing yourself with others, never compare yourself with anyone. No two destinies are the same. We can be on the same road but heading to different directions, you cannot expect the challenges we face on our way to our destination to be the same. Your best friend may have been married three years ago, you are not your friend; yours will come. Stop comparing yourself with her. The act of comparism does not add to you but rather gets you worked-up. No two persons are the same, God hates sameness, that is why He will do the same thing but in different ways; your two eyes are not exactly the same. The person you compare yourself with, was not born the same day with you and both of you will not die the same day. If you can learn not to compare yourself with others, you will enjoy every stage of your life. 4. Speak Positive Words: Your life follow your words, consciously develop a positive attitude and learn to speak positive words. Heaven and earth was created out of spoken words, be careful what you say in difficult situations so you do not use your own words to permanent your situation. Learn to speak as God speaks, “calling those things that are not as though they were”. There is a scientific discovery that says the speech centre of the brain controls all the other organs of the body. That is to say when you say I am weak, the speech centre of the brain transport that information to the other organs of the body, telling them to be weak, in no time the whole body become weak and vice versa. Make a promise to yourself to speak positive words in whatever situation you are in and see how that changes your situation. Learn to praise God daily, nothing springs up on earth until praise go up in the air. 5. Believe: Your believe system determine the outcome of your life, when you believe change will come, and you will sure see change in your marriage, finances, relationship, health etc. Develop a strong believe that things will work out for you and let your believe reflect in your attitude, looks, words and composition. I met a successful business man recently and I asked, “What is the secret of your success?” He replied, “I always believe things will work out for me no matter the circumstance and they always do.” He added, “I came back to this country with only $5 which is about N800 today.” He started his business using someone’s toilet as his office. But today he is a successful man because he believed he will succeed. How did Bill Gate know that Microsoft will work? He first believed it in his heart, before he saw it work. Anything you do not believe in, cannot work in your hand. I woke up one morning; it was a first day of a new month, which happened to be my birthday month. And I had a short discussion with God, I said, “Please Father, give me engagement as my birthday gift, and the following day my fiancé called me and said I have told my father that my younger brother is coming home from America; they will come and meet your parent on my behalf. I cannot wait till December for the engagement.” Though all hell was let loose to stop my desire but because I strongly believed God, on 15th August, the two families met and I was engaged which was my birthday. We did our introduction and got wedded by December same year. God gave me the best gift of my life because I believed in Him. author--- Judith Daniel-imagoro visit glorious living singles and married ministry facebook page to read more of my articles or join us every second to the last sunday evening of each month @ singles and married today event. magrellos event hall 169 ogudu rd Ojota Lagos.time 4pm
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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