WAYS TO MAINTAIN UR RELATINOSHIPS: 1.Stop nagging,complainin n criticizing ur spouse cuz these negative behaviours wont result in a favourable conditin bt rather it meks a relationship 2 get worse n u cnt improve it by findin faults wt ur spouse. 2.Focus constructive on urself n nt ur spouse,ask urself on hw 2 mek him/her happier n 4gt abt his shortcommings. 3.dnt wait until u r angry to start a discussion,rather wait until u r calm. 4.Nva u compare him/her wt oda ppl,appreciate him d way he is,always show dt u care. 5.If u guys r hvin a misundastandin,try 2 settle it amicably by urselfs,dnt let in a 3rd party in. 6.Stop tellin ur frnds n colleagues ur spouses bad character,rather tel dem dt him/she is d bst tin dt has eva hapened 2 u n dt he gave ur lyf a meanin,learn 2 praise him b4 ppl. 7.Luv ur spouse for whom he is n nt for wat he is,wen tins r movin on fyn,luv him n also wen tins gets tough 4 him,still luv him,b by his side,wen he is goin 2ru pains cuz men value a lady dt sticks 2 dem wen tins get worse 4 dem. 8.Try 2 undastand each oda cuz once dia is an undastandin in a relationships,tins moves on fyn. 9.Learn 2 trust each oda cuz a relationship wtout trust is bond 2 fail. 10.You shud learn hw 2 value ur spouse cuz most ppl dnt knw hw 2 value dia spouse n of wic is wrong.VALUE WHAT YOU HAVE BEFORE U LOSE IT TO ANOTHER.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:45:49 +0000

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