WAYS TO MAKE YOUR WIFE FEEL LIKE THAT SPECIAL WOMAN 1. Start leaving occasional love notes when you go to work. The first could be on the kitchen table or counter top. Then find some places she won’t see until later in the day, like the bottom of the laundry hamper, inside the freezing compartment, etc. 2. Have her make a list of repairs or improvements that are needed around the house. Then begin doing them, one by one. You’ll be amazed at how much she appreciates that new pantry shelf or a stopped leak. 3. If she’s in the other room sewing, reading, or working, rush in, hug her, and give her a big kiss. “I made a special trip just to kiss you” brings smile every time. 4. Empty the trash without her having to ask 5. Let her know that her phone calls are always welcome while you’re at the office. 6. Listen to her when she talks to you. Look into her eyes, not at your food or the TV set. Respond positively whenever you can. Show her you’re interested in what she has to say. 7. Phone her from work just to tell her how much you love her. Absolutely no business talk allowed. Give her the special unexpected moment of your time, and leave the babysitter, the mail, the electricity bill for another call. 8. Tell her, “You’re my best friend.” 9. Keep on making “dates” with her throughout the marriage. Ask for a date for Friday night, and tell her you’ll be back at eight o’clock. Arrange for a baby-sitter. On the big night, after you’ve dressed, slip out of the house and come to the door for her. Then, as you walk her to the door afterwards, corner her and drop the coy old standard: “May I come in?” What follows is up to you. 10. Give her a frequent break from the dishes. 11. Write her some poetry. You don’t have to be a Rod McKuen, the key is to simply express your feelings about something very intimate between the two of you. A recent walk in the woods. An argument that, when settled, helped draw you closer together. The beauty, skill, love you see in her. When a woman receives an original poem from her lover, the last thing she thinks about is literary criticism. It is from you – you have invested and revealed yourself for her. Nothing thrills a woman more. 12. Surprise her with breakfast in bed. And not just on her birthday or Mother’s Day. If she asks “What’s the occasion”? as you fluff her pillows behind her, just smile and say, “No particular reason. I just love you.” 13. Be careful about our male habit of joking about the intelligence of women, women drivers, women talkers, women shoppers. She’s a woman, and these baseless slurs are also a slur on her. If you have this habit, break it. 14. Give her a frequent break from the house and children. 15. Don’t run down her parents or family. Give them the benefit of a doubt, just as you’d like her to do for your folks. 16. Keep your private calendar of the “special days” of your relationship and plan special surprise celebrations. Anniversaries, Birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Christmas are rather expected, but imagine her delight when you take the initiate to commemorate the anniversary of your first date, your engagement, your mortgage burning, etc. 17. When the kids are in school, phone her and arrange to meet during the day for lunch or an extended coffee break. Use this time to talk about your life together, plans for the family and the future, or anything that’s on her mind. It will lift her spirits to see once again that, in the midst of a busy workday, you still consider her “Number One.” 18. Help her keep the family correspondence going. 19. Respect her friends, and show an interest in getting to know them. If Irene drops over from next door, don’t leave the room or huddle up with the television. 20. If you’ve given her a hamburger budget, don’t complain if you don’t get steak. Either allot more food money for her to work with, or begin right now appreciating the fact that she’s being as creative as she knows how to be. 21. After she’s spent a hard day at the stove, serve her during the meal. Many wives – and most mothers - are forced to eat their food cold because they are constantly hopping up from the table to serve every one’s need. Let your woman sit and enjoy the food for once while you get another napkin for Junior or more iced tea for yourself. 22. Some Saturday morning – or a weekday if you can swing it – write “Let’s go to the amusement park today” or “Let’s go to the beach – just the two of us” on a slip of paper, stick it in a small box and gift wrap it. Present it to her with a kiss at breakfast. 23. When the two of you are at a party or gathering, catch her eye with a wink and a smile. Flirting with her in public assures her that, of all the women in that room, she’s the most important to you. 24. At the same gathering, take her hand and whisper in her ear, “I can’t wait to get you home…” she may feign embarrassment, but deep inside she’ll be beaming. 25. Never compare her to old girlfriends, your sister, mom, or anyone else. 26. Here’s a worthwhile project: when you say, “I love you,” give her some specific reasons why. Watch her face light up as you describe the things about her that delight you. 27. Stay aware of special things she enjoys doing: going to plays, concerts, movies, picnics, etc and take the initiative to do these things together. 28. Keep the car serviced for her. While some of today’s women are becoming viable mechanics in their own right, most are still totally helpless when the thing amabob under the whoozit goes p-f-f-f-t-t. And, while your wife may not mind pumping her own gas at the self-serve station, she would prefer not to when dressed. 29. Make the bed in the morning while she’s in the bathroom or fixing breakfast. One small task crossed off her list by a considerate husband will launch her day in high spirits. But note: Remember what day it is. 30. Pray together. Nothing will give your woman greater security than knowing that you are totally dedicated to God. Go to HIM together in thanks, in praise, in problem solving. 31. As you pray together, take her hand and thank God for giving her to you as a wife, If you sneak a peek(I don’t think the Lord would mind) you’ll probably catch her smiling. 32. Be alert to some of the small things you can do at home to help make her job easier. If you drink up the powdered milk, mix a new pitcher full. If you finish the orange juice, make a new batch. Replace the empty toilet roll. Sweep down a cobweb. 33. Feed the baby and change the diapers on the baby. 34. If Junior has discovered the trick of bawling for Mommy late at night, let Mom rest. With Junior around all day, she’s earned it. Tend to him yourself. Dad’s firmness often has a way of convincing Junior that he really doesn’t need to holler after all. 35. If company is coming and she’s in a rush, offer to help in any way you can. 36. Take the initiative to wash the windows or wax the floors. Isn’t it amazing how waxing the kitchen floor is tagged in our mind strictly female work? I guess most men don’t realize how hard the job really is. Some day, give it a try. Never mind what your friends may think – you are liberated from that, remember? 37. Hang up towels and clothes when you’re through with them. Place the shoes at its rightful place to make the room well organized. Three surprises which are like a breath of fresh air to her: 38. “Let’s go out to dinner.” 39. “Let’s go buy you a new dress.” 40. “Let’s go away for the weekend – just the two of us.” 41. If she’s on diet or exercise binge, encourage her: Fat jokes are definitely out. If you see improvement, however slight, be sure to tell her. “Honey, you’re looking better and better” will bring a smile and renewed determination on her part. Incidentally, the best way to encourage her is to join her. And while we’re on encouragement: 42. Commit yourself to building rather than destroying. To build is just that – constructing a foundation of love which will weather any future storms or quakes. A spouse committed to building recognizes that all persons come with quirks, and with that perception behind him, he looks only for the good in others. He is quick to compliment, slow to complain. The act of building another is steadily contagious. If your wife is the culprit when it comes to tearing into another, do not retaliate. That is the most natural approach, but also the weakest. Respond with something positive. Smile. Build. As you direct attention to the admirable qualities in your woman, she will try even harder to be all you’ve been saying she is. And gradually, she will catch on to how enjoyable it is to build in return. 43. Consider taking on hobbies, sports, etc that include her and the children. While an escape valve is important for today’s eight-to-five male, that workshop or golf course can easily become an obsession in itself, and thus a barrier to time and talk with family. But it needn’t be. 44. If you’re the sanguine of the family, you might help to draw her out in discussions. It’s a demonstration that you consider her opinion important. 45. Tell your children often how much you love their mother. Then let them see it in action every day. If you treat her like a queen, they’ll want to do it too. 46. Scheme with the kids on creative ways to surprise Mom with breakfast in bed, cleaning the house when she’s gone, a special gift, dinner out. Let them make the presentation. It’s good family fun, and she’ll be proud of the fatherly talents you’re displaying. 47. Take the phone off the hook before and during dinner. 48. Never let holding her hand become past tense. It’s one of those little things which a woman never grows tired of. In sitting or walking together, seek out her hand and give it a little squeeze. 49. If you like her outfit, tell her, “You make it look good”. 50. If you don’t like her outfit or hairstyle, she really wants to know it. She wants to please you. But even here the total man is more tactful than, “What happened to your hair – did you grab an electrified fence? When commenting on an “undesirable” outfit or hairstyle, make a clear distinction between your feelings for the outfit and your feelings for her. Compliment her in the process. 51. Keep surprising her with the little things that can mean so much: A flower (bring one home with you) A bouquet (have the florist deliver it to her during the day) A plant A scented candle A slinky nightgown (shopping for it is half the fun) An album by her favorite performer or group A book she’s been waiting to read Perfume A romantic or humorous card A craft which you, she, and the kids can work on together A ring or necklace 52. Better yet, surprise her with something you’ve made yourself: Woodwork Sculpture A painting A card (with original poetry and/or original art) Candles Because you have put yourself into it, the husband-made gift is priceless to her. Long after she has thrown away the perfume bottle, the store-bought greeting card, or the wilted flower, she will be keeping your hand-made gift as a priceless treasure. 53. Accompany a surprise gift with “…because I love you.” Not with “Because I want to get it on with you in bed tonight” or even “Because you did such-and-such for me.” Just “…because I love you.” Love expects absolutely nothing in return. 54. And while we’re on gifts: When it comes to Christmas, birthdays, and anniversaries, most women think a little differently than we do. While you’ll be delighted to get an electric drill, she would have trouble rejoicing over an electric frying pan. 55. Phone her when you’re delayed in coming home from work. 56. Phone her well in advance of inviting a friend home to dinner. And ask her; don’t tell her. 57. Use the phone often when taking a business trip. Even the strongest woman is asking these questions while you’re away: Is he safe? Is he being faithful? Is he staying in good health? Does he miss me? 58. Save her an ounce of undue worry – if she’s gone on an errand and you have to leave the house yourself, leave a note for her with your destination and the approximate amount of time you’ll be gone. 59. Appreciate her – inwardly and verbally. 60. Do you give yourself a personal spending allowance every pay day? Fine. Now what about her? Give her an allowance equal to yours, to do with as she chooses. This has some divided advantages: It demonstrates that you take the partnership concept seriously. It helps her to have a certain degree of independence within a happy marriage. It helps both of you to stay within the budget by having a specific allotment for free spending. 61. For all the reasons listed above, consider opening a separate savings and/or checking account for her, in which she can deposit or withdraw money she earns. Surprise her with the news. Tell her the account(s) are hers to manage as she pleases (her prudence just might surprise you). 62. If a fixture in your house is in need of repair, don’t make her struggle with it for days. Fix it right away. 63. When you come home from the office, search her out and give her a big, prolonged hug. First thing, before sitting down with the newspaper or using the “John”. Make your wife feel that coming home to her has been the best part of your day. 64. Set aside a few minutes, a half-hour, or more each day just to visit with her. Make it a time when the kids are busy or in bed, when the dishes are done and she’s had a while to relax. After you’ve taken the phone off the hook, talk together about the things on each other’s minds.., about goals…about dreams. 65. Find a pet name that she likes – one that expresses love and high regard for her. 66. Praise her. Tell others what you appreciate about your wife. Whenever you read Proverbs 31, about the virtuous woman, you can see one big reason why she did so well – have you ever noticed what her husband did? “He praises her in the gates,” where the elders of the city met to transact business. And her children? “They, rise up to call her blessed.” What that kind of encouragement, no wonder she was such a motivated, successful woman! 67. True, home is to be lived in. But as a perpetual slob? Your continual lolling around in a pock-marked T-shirt and 1961 Bermudas is about as exciting to her as hair rollers are to you. Pay some attention to your appearance just as you did while you were dating her. 68. Accompany her when she goes grocery shopping, especially if she must go at night. 69. Don’t be threatened by the idea of shopping with her for women’s clothing or fabric. Be interested in items which appeal to her. Give her your honest opinion when she points to something It’s amazing how modern acculturation has molded men’s minds in this area, too. 70. Try to be consistent in expressing appreciation for her work in the house. When you come home, notice the rooms that are straightened and vacuumed, your ironed shirts, the aroma of what’s cooking. Compliment and thank her as you give her a warm hug. Three statements she’ll never grow tired of hearing: 71. “You’re beautiful today.” 72. “I’m glad you’re my wife.” 73. “You’re my favorite person.” 74. Over the phone, in a letter, or in person, tell her folks how much you love their daughter. You can bet that the word will get around to her. 75. Always put time with her and the children before time with the TV set. 76. Put the newspaper or book down when she tries to talk to you. 77. Do your part of the job of disciplining the kids. Though it is the father who should take the lead here, far, too many men have relegated discipline to the mother. This is not to say that Mom can’t handle the job; but when she is the only one wielding the stick, Dad comes across to Junior as a non assertive panty waist. You can bet that Junior will grow up to be same. Enforce the rules of the house in love but in firmness. Remember the wise words of Solomon: “If you refuse to discipline your son, it proves that you don’t love him; for if you love him you will be prompt to punish him” (Proverbs 13:24, TLB). 78. Support her in the discipline she must do. If she has made a disciplinary decision while you’re away, don’t contradict her when you come home. The same should apply to her.” Incidentally, the children should be taught that Mom and Dad always support each other’s decisions or disciplinary measures. Never let children play one of you against the other in trying to win a favorable verdict. Watch for the smile in her eyes when you dust off some of those ‘manners” which supposedly went out of date a decade ago: 79. Open her car door for her (even if she’ll be doing the driving). 80. Help seat her at the dinner table. 81. After you’ve seated her, give her a kiss on the cheek and whisper “I Love you” (when the kids see these things happen, their respect for mom will zoom. Your ratings won’t hurt any either.) 82. Open doors for her, letting her enter first. (Next time you’re in town, watch a while–this is becoming a lost art.) 83. When walking with her, walk on the most hazardous side. This used to always be the street side of the walk, but with today’s modern curbs and protective rails, no definite Amy Vanderbilt can be stated. In many cities, the shadows and lurk – ways on the inside of the walk pose more potential threat than the most reckless car. 84. Never speak negatively of her to another person – in her presence or in her absence. Anything undesirable in the woman you love is strictly between you – and her and should be worked out in loving, honest communication with each other. Exercise these nine qualities of total manhood with her: 85. Love… always seeking the best for her. Realizing that the opposite of love is not hate, but self 86. Joy… a happiness so deeply rooted that it is not swayed by the whims of circumstance. Rejoicing in victory. Optimistic in adversity. 87. Peace… a quite assurance, in spite of circumstances, that the one loves both of you is also seeking the best for you. Looking on problems as opportunities. 88. Patience… always giving her the benefit of the doubt. Putting yourself in her place. Looking beyond the what to learn the why. 89. Kindness… giving of yourself simply to bring joy to her. Watching for ways to make her load lighter. 90. Goodness… creating an atmosphere in which evil is conspicuously out of place. The foundational attitude from which acts of kindness flow. 91. Faithfulness… fidelity in body, mind, and spirit, motivated by an irrevocable, unconditional love for her. 92. Gentleness… being confident enough in masculinity to know that caring, communicating, expressing emotion, or playing with the children do not contradict manhood, but enhance it. 93. Self – control… not allowing any activity or appetite to displace God and her in your affections. Recognizing that your temperance in diet, spending, work, and play affects her as much as yourself. 94. Realize that no man can exercise these nine qualities of total manhood on his own strength – for in his natural state he is prone to selfishness. As stated earlier, the apostle Paul identified this Source of manhood when he called these nine attributes “the fruit of the Spirit”. He was speaking of God’s Spirit, from which all goodness, all dynamism flows. It is only by the daily putting of your life into God’s hands that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self – control become a natural outgrowth of a pure inner man. God, then, is the daily motivator for all attributes and outflows of total manhood. And the husband‘s solid walk with God will be his wife’s greatest source of security.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 10:48:48 +0000

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