WAYS TO WORRY LESS & ENJOY ĻȊ̊Fع MORE Make sure u act when - TopicsExpress


WAYS TO WORRY LESS & ENJOY ĻȊ̊Fع MORE Make sure u act when u have to -do not put off any wõrk until tomorrow, or next week. Always putting off things is a way to keep an issue ȋ̊η ur mind causing worry. Dont be one of those people who say, if only someday I had more time. Get it done right now!! A lot of times, we view a situation as a problem, instead of turning it around & seeing it as a mere challenge. See things in a positive way so that we can grow as a person & not remain stuck in one place. Quit telling everyone who will listen about ur problems or issues. Everytime they sympathise & acknowledge ur problems it only serves to add fuel to the fire & keeps u stuck in the same place & not move beyond them. Rather tell ur problems to sumone who can give great advice & influence u positively. When ure worried about something take action. Dont sit around & mope about it using up valuable time that could be dedicated to resolving whatever is bothering u. One of the great contributors to worry is to always feel rushed & pressurised. Make sure u get urself organized- develop a schedule that manages ur time effectively & always set ur schedule around salaat times. Do not try & do everything at once then end up worrying that u must get it all done. Do not worry about the size of a project. Think of a large project as doing the dishes - one dish at a time gets it done. The same applies to a large project when u divide it up into little pieces, manageable pieces, where u can do a little at a time. A little at a time turns out to be a whole lot over time. A lot of energy is devoted to those worries u have no control over. If u cant control it, or do anything about it, forget it. Leave it ȋ̊η the Hands of اللّه Subhana Taala. There is only so much time in every day. Programme ur thoughts to think about issues deserving of those available hours. Wasted thinking is wasted time & time is one important aspect we will be questioned on.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:10:34 +0000

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