WCCW Recap 08.03.2013 WCCW Reporter The owner of Wildcat - TopicsExpress


WCCW Recap 08.03.2013 WCCW Reporter The owner of Wildcat Championship wrestling, Santa, along with the General Manager, TJ Lightning hit the ring to start the show. WCCW decided to offer The Castle Brothers, an up and coming tag team, a 12 month contract, which Cody and Casey Castle happily signed. Once the contract signing was taken care of, TJ had some other business to deal with and requested that the new WCCW Champion, Ravishing Ronnie Roberts, come out to the ring. The lights went out and Alex Angel’s music started and everyone started cheering, however TJ stated that Angel wasn’t in the arena tonight. The music played for a few and then out came Roberts, wearing a black shirt and imitating Angel, while his tag team partner, ATM, was wearing the infamous cowboy hat. TJ serves Roberts with a restraining order, keeping him away from Angel and stated that on Monday morning, Robert’s checking account would be short due to the large fine already imposed by WCCW. On top of all of that, Roberts was suspended for two weeks. A very upset Roberts got in TJ’s face and suggested that maybe he should just attack TJ right there; however, TJ explained that if he was attacked, Roberts would be stripped of the belt and terminated. TJ also stated that if Roberts is seen in the WCCW arena during the two week suspension, he would be suspended indefinitely. Once the ring was cleared, Sean Bane’s music started and The Voice came to the ring. Sean Bane and Lexxi came out first and Black Rain and the new girl came out a little behind and it was clear that this wasn’t a united team. Rain decided to force Lexxi to sit by the locker room and watch as the new girl remained at ringside for Bane. SEAN BANE VS BRIAN LAWLESS Brian Lawless didn’t waste any time on the former WCCW champion and quickly went for a small package roll up but barely got a one count. Lexxi jumped up from her seat, however, Rain quickly pulled her back down and continued to hold her there while Bane took control of the match. It didn’t take long for Bane to have some issues with the ref and while they had a discussion, the new girl quickly went into action, using the bottom rope to choke Lawless. Rain was forcing Lexxi to watch what the new girl was doing and then he switched the two in order to see what Lexxi had learned. Meanwhile, Bane was in full control of the match and hit a huge leg drop on the apron while Lawless’s head was half out of the ring. Bane got back in the ring and again got the ref’s attention, however Lexxi didn’t take advantage of the situation. Rain came over and forced Lexxi to get a cheap shot in on Lawless before the ref could regain control of the match. Bane hit several kicks to Lawless, including a back round house kick which almost took Lawless’s head off. Lexxi was very pleased with Bane and she jumped up on the apron to clap which got Bane’s attention. Rain was trying to pull Lexxi down from the apron and Bane went over to see what was going on. While Bane and Black Rain were dealing with Lexxi, Lawless was setting up for his finisher. Lexxi was pulled from the apron and Bane turned around just in time to get hit with Lawless’s finisher and the match was over. Black Rain and the new girl were upset, Lexxi was trying to explain and Bane was just confused, trying to figure out what had just happened. Rain and the new girl headed back to the locker room and left Bane and Lexxi at ringside. WINNER – BRIAN LAWLESS The Voice wasn’t in the back for long though. Purple Haze and the new girl came to the ring and Haze had some issues about his match from last week. The usual ref was at ringside, however, there was a different ref in the ring. Haze explained that the normal ref wasn’t in the ring by his request, after such a fast count last week. While Haze was talking, Black Rain brought Lexxi out wearing The Butcher’s dog collar and tied her to the announcer table. Haze stated that he was tired of playing around; he didn’t have an opponent tonight but issued an open challenge to anyone in the back. The lights went out and Purple Haze’s old entrance music started playing and everyone was clearly confused. As Haze waited in the ring, Kevin Star made his return to WCCW and the arena erupted. PURPLE HAZE VS KEVIN STAR Star quickly got on the microphone and tried to talk some sense into Purple Haze, however it was pointless. Star tried to get Haze to realize that the fans made Haze what he is today, however, Haze continued his arrogant and cocky ways by claming that he made himself and WCCW arena would always be Haze’s house! The match started with a couple of arm locks and it was clear that they were just sizing each other up, however Haze took control with a perfectly executed drop kick which he capitalized on with a submission move, however Star refused to give up. The match went back and forth several times with neither really getting an upper hand, however, as the match went on, Haze’s arm tape started coming undone. Haze, being the veteran he is, quickly used the tape to choke Star. The ref caught Haze so the two moved over to discuss it, which gave the new girl time to step in and choke Star. Haze then hit a huge body slam and headed to the ropes for a highly flying maneuver, however, he took too long and Star rolled out of the way. Haze came flying from the ropes and flipped himself over and landed flat on his back, knocking the wind out of him. Star quickly locked in a figure four and, while the ref was checking on Haze, he used the bottom rope as some extra leverage, however, it was too little, too late. Haze broke the lock and got up before Star did and took control of the match. Haze then caught Star with a super kick which sent Star to the mat, however, Haze wasn’t ready for the pin just yet. Haze sized up Star and patiently waited and then hit another huge super kick which ended the match and gave Haze the win. As The Voice was leaving ringside, Lexxi tried to get to the new girl, however, Black Rain had full control of the chain…and Lexxi. WINNER – PURPLE HAZE The most hated man in WCCW was up next. IRONMAN CODY MATTHEWS VS APOLLO These two locked up and Matthews pushed Apollo into the corner and then smacked him, which was just insulting. They locked up again and Matthews pushed Apollo into the corner but this time went to hit him with a closed fist when Apollo blocked it and hit Cody. Cody rolled out of the ring and did a lot of complaining, however, the ref started the 10 count. Matthews rolled back into the ring and immediately raked Apollo’s eyes, however, it wasn’t enough. Apollo took control of the match with a couple of huge chops and then sent Matthews into the corner and hit a huge splash. He then slung Matthews into the opposite corner and went for a 2nd huge splash but got nailed in the face by Matthews boot. The two then got out of the ring for a little back and forth which ended with Matthews getting slammed into the steel pole. The two didn’t stay out of the ring long and it looked like Apollo was in full control, however, Matthews got in a cheap shot and then tried to go for the Ego Trip but it was clear that Apollo wasn’t out enough nor could Matthews get the bigger guy up for such a move. Apollo reversed it and nailed Matthews to pick up the win. WINNER – APOLLO Murdoch made his way to the ring for a Major match. BOB MURDOCH VS CHRIS MAJORS Before the match, Chris Majors got on the mic and stated that it was about time that he go out on his own and start taking care of business; Majors is ready to move up the ladder and even though he was starting with Murdoch, he was looking for some revenge against the USA Champion, Brandon Taggart. He requested that TJ give him a USA title shot, however, TJ didn’t come to the ring to give Majors an answer. While Majors was talking, Murdoch went to the back and got a bright red elbow pad. The bell rang and Majors unloaded on Murdoch hitting several moves at once, including a vicious clothesline followed by a huge boot to the face; however, Murdoch is a professional and tackled Majors’ knee to take him down and take control of the match. Murdoch then returned the favor and unloaded on Majors with several huge tackles into the corner and then dropping 3 huge elbows directly to Majors’ chest. Murdoch made a mistake not finishing the match and gave Majors time to get to his feet which was enough to hit a huge clothes line and then a side slam and pick up the win. While Majors was getting his hand raised, Taggart entered the ring and attacked him and then stood on him with one foot. Taggart told Majors that he was the “best in America” and that he was a champion of the people, however, Majors wouldn’t be getting a title shot anytime soon. Once Taggart left, Majors got to his feet and yelled for Taggart to come back to the ring, however, that didn’t happen. WINNER – CHRIS MAJORS Diamonds are forever, or so the song says. DIAMOND CARTEL VS THE CASTLE BROTHERS I try to remain very neutral as a reporter, however, even I could see that this wouldn’t end well for The Castle Brothers. Stan Sierra and Frank the Tank just simply out powered Cody and Casey and used their size and strength advantage to dominate over the newly signed WCCW tag team. Stan and Cody started the match but the Diamond Cartel took advantage of tag team rules and just worked over Cody, keeping him in the ring and in their corner for most of the match. The Castle Brothers did get a couple of moves in and for a few seconds, they looked impressive as Casey threw Cody into the air and he did a back flip and landed on Frank, however, Frank simply threw him off and The Diamond Cartel continued to control the match. Sierra slammed Cody with huge body slams over and over and when Sierra wasn’t slamming him, Frank had him in a bear hug and just squeezed the life out of him. The Cartel also did a great job of aggravating Casey to get him to run into the ring; the ref would then try to get Casey out, which would allow the Cartel to double team Cody, the smaller of the two. Once Casey got tagged in, it looked as though he would take control himself by taking Sierra out with a huge splash, He then went to splash Frank in the corner, however, Frank caught him in the air and Sierra elbowed him in the back of the head. Sierra then slammed Casey hard and Frank hit a huge splash for the win. After the match, Scott Diamond made it very clear to everyone in the arena that they were coming after The Voice and the WCCW Tag Team Championship. Diamond called them out and The Voice answered. Diamond wanted a contract and Black Rain said he had one for him and climbed up on the apron to give it to him. Instead of a contract, Rain removed Diamonds glasses and broke them and threw them back at him and The Voice left ringside with Diamond throwing a fit. Scott Diamond then took out his frustrations on both of the WCCW members of security, told several fans off and then headed out. WINNER – DIAMOND CARTEL Goo Goo Gaa Gaa; it’s time for a diaper match! ATM VS TJ LIGHTNING – LOSER WEARS A DIAPER It was very clear that ATM did not want to wear that diaper and once he got in the ring to start the match, he threw an arm lock on TJ and even flipped him over by rolling it and TJ hit the mat; however, TJ quickly got to his feet and reversed it. ATM got out of it and got out of the ring. ATM told the fans that he would not be wearing a diaper, win or lose and as he climbed up on the apron, TJ came over and flipped ATM back into the ring, over the top rope. ATM got up and raked TJ’s eyes and went to the 2nd rope, however, he hadn’t done enough to wear TJ down yet and TJ caught ATM with a fist to the gut as ATM came flying off the rope. After some back and forth, it looked as though ATM was trying to tie TJ into the corner, using the tag team rope, however, he ended up tying himself up instead and TJ took advantage by climbing him in the corner and hitting 10 punches to ATM’s face. The ref finally got ATM untied and TJ threw on a figure four leg lock, but ATM was too close to the ropes, so it didn’t do much damage. TJ then slung ATM out of the ring and while everyone was watching ATM on the concrete, the Diamond Cartel came out and surrounded the ring with Frank on one side, Stan on the other and Scott Diamond climbing up on the apron. TJ took out Stan and then slid over and took out Frank and hit Scott Diamond. The ref got out of the ring to get the Diamond Cartel away from ringside, as ATM caught TJ in the middle of the ring and dropped him and got the three count; ATM counted to three, however, the ref was still outside of the ring. ATM got the ref back in the ring, but TJ had time to recover and kick out of the pin. ATM then got a chain and wrapped it around his fist and swung at TJ but missed and the ref saw the chain. As the ref was taking the chain away from ATM, TJ was wrapping his own chain around his fist and nailed ATM with it and got the win. ATM quickly rolled out of the ring before TJ could put the diaper on him. ATM said he wouldn’t be wearing a diaper and was staggering backwards towards the locker room when he realized that Chris Majors and The Castle Brothers had come out to ensure ATM kept up his end of the contract. ATM tried to run into the ring, but all of the guys jumped him and held him down as TJ dressed him like a baby with a diaper, bib and pacifier. WINNER – TJ LIGHTNING
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 02:39:50 +0000

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