WCCW Recap 08.31.2013 Summer Brawl 2 WCCW Reporter To the - TopicsExpress


WCCW Recap 08.31.2013 Summer Brawl 2 WCCW Reporter To the surprise of many of the fans, before the show even started, Scott Diamond’s music started playing and out came the head of The Diamond Cartel. The Diamond Cartel already took out Billy Brewster and it seems that they also took out TJ Lightning, who was covering the announcing duties until Brewster recovered. Diamond told the fans that he would be announcing tonight and that The Diamond Cartel was taking over WCCW. Scott Diamond made it very clear that every wrestler in WCCW with a belt was now on notice; The Diamond Cartel is coming for all of the belts! The first match, Scott Diamond introduced one half of The Pretty Boys, ATM, as an associate of The Diamond Cartel. ATM was out for a “mystery” match that GM TJ Lightning signed earlier and it would be for the KY State Championship. KY STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH ATM (CHAMPION) VS ? It was clear that neither Scott Diamond nor ATM had any clue who would be coming out of the locker room, but once the lights dropped and the music started, it was clear to the entire WCCW Arena! Al Steele made his way to the ring and out of retirement and neither Diamond nor ATM was very happy with it. From the first lock up, it was clear that Steele had the height, weight and power advantage and he capitalized on that by throwing ATM around the ring several times, sending him to the concrete more than once. ATM was annoyed at the match from the start and resorted to exiting the ring every time one of his offensive plans failed. The entire match was in the hands of Al Steele until he slung ATM into the ropes and bounced off of the ropes himself. Scott Diamond was in the right place at the right time and grabbed Steele’s leg. ATM was waiting for him and kicked him outside of the ring and then hit him with a huge double axe handle off of the apron and finished the attack by slinging Steele into the steel blue pole at ringside. It took everything Steele had but he rolled back into the ring as the ref got to 9 and ATM again went on the attack by using the bottom rope to choke Steele. ATM then got the ref’s attention as Diamond gave the assist again. Even with ATM and Diamond both attacking Steele, it didn’t seem to be enough as Steele started getting his second wind and the crowd got behind him. Every shot ATM threw just bounced off and Steele unleashed a huge clothesline followed by several slams and it looked like Steele was going to get the win, however, Diamond jumped up on the apron and grabbed the ref. While Diamond and the ref were going back and forth, Stan Sierra entered the ring but Steele was ready for him and dropped him and then did the same move on ATM just in time for the ref to turn around and count to three. Al Steele came out of retirement to win the KY State Championship. WINNER – AL STEELE (NEW CHAMPION) After the match, Scott Diamond jumped on the microphone and congratulated Steele on his victory but told him since he was on the WCCW board, he was making a match. Al Steele’s first title defense would be a handicapped match and it would be now. Steele turned around and Stan Sierra hit him right in the face with a huge boot and Scott Diamond went for the pin. The ref didn’t want to make the three count, however, Diamond assured him that he would be fired if he didn’t. The ref slid into the ring, the bell was rung and Scott Diamond got the victory and became the new KY State Champion. The ref put the belt around Diamond’s waist and the next match was announced. FRANK THE TANK VS BRIAN LAWLESS Scott Diamond and Frank gave Lawless a clear chance to leave the ring and take the loss without getting hurt, however, the fans were behind Lawless and he decided to go ahead with the match, which turned out to be a bad idea. Frank took control of the match from the bell and he over powered Lawless and threw him around like a rag doll. Frank slammed him, tackled him and even dropped a huge elbow to Lawless which hit the perfect spot but Lawless kept kicking out. Frank then pulled Lawless over to the ropes and stood on the apron. Frank leaped and did a 360 flip over the top rope but Lawless moved just in time and Frank slammed onto the mat. The fact that Frank flipped himself over the top rope like that was nothing short of mind blowing. Lawless tried to get control of the match and drop kicked Frank as he was trying to get up but that only made Frank angry. Frank then viciously beat Lawless, picked him up onto the top rope and just knocked him off and onto the concrete; however, Frank didn’t waste any time and slid Lawless back into the ring. Frank picked Lawless up, threw him across his back and fell backwards and got the three count. WINNER – FRANK THE TANK Frank was getting his hand raised when Black Rain and The Butcher attached him from behind with the WCCW Tag Team belts and got several shots in before Stan Sierra and Scott Diamond rushed the ring and The Voice cleared out. USA CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH BRANDON TAGGART (CHAMPION) VS CHRIS MAJORS This was a match that has been building for weeks and you could tell that all hell was going to break loose once these two got a hold of each other. The bell rung and these two went at each other like wild animals, throwing punches back and forth until finally Taggart put Majors in a headlock and explained that there would be no more punching. The headlock didn’t last long as Majors broke it and hit a series of offensive moves that sent Taggart out of the ring. Taggart climbed up on the apron but before he could get into the ring, Majors grabbed him and suplexed him back into the ring. Majors was in control and slung Taggart into the corner and went for a splash, however, Taggart caught him with an elbow and then a nice clothesline that almost knocked Majors’ head off. Majors wasn’t ready to give up and tried fighting back but got caught with Taggart’s boot to his face and then a sleeper hold, which almost ended the match. Majors’ arm went up and down twice and came within inches of dropping for a third time, however, the fans were behind him and Majors got back to his feet and nailed Taggart with a huge headbutt. Majors hit Taggart with everything he had but just kept getting two counts; finisher after finisher but the USA Champion wouldn’t stay down. Taggart nailed move after move, however, Majors wouldn’t stay down…it was clear that these two could be going back and forth all night because, with the belt on the line, both were reaching down and giving it everything. The fans could see the frustration in both Taggart and Majors; however, Taggart had the upper hand by being the champion. Taggart got the USA Championship belt and slammed it into Majors head, right in front of the ref, knowing that he may lose the match but the belt can’t switch hands on a disqualification. WINNER –CHRIS MAJORS (BRANDON TAGGART RETAINS BELT) Taggart was clearly fed up with going toe to toe with Majors and got a chair to help bring an end to this feud; however, Al Steele came out and made the save before any damage could be done. Taggart headed back to the locker leaving Majors on the mat and Steele in the ring with the chair and the USA Championship lying in the ring. Majors finally made it back to his feet and picked up the belt; Steele turned around to check on Majors and got hit for his efforts. After Majors took Steele out with the USA Championship, he exited the ring, told Scott Diamond to shut up and made his way to the bad guy’s locker room. CASKET MATCH PURPLE HAZE VS KEVIN STAR Purple Haze tried to get the fans on his side; however, it was clear that the favorite in the match was Kevin Star. Star climbed up on the second rope to hype up the crowd, but Haze is a veteran and didn’t miss the opportunity and hit a perfect super kick as Star started to climb down. Haze automatically rolled Star into the casket but it was far too early for the match to end that way and Star still had a lot of fight left in him and worked his way out of the casket and took out Haze’s leg. Star quickly started working on the leg and locked in a figure four leg lock, however, Haze punched his way out of it and quickly went for a pin. Haze wasn’t expecting Star to go for the figure four so quickly and was knocked off his game but it didn’t take him long to realize that the match can’t be won by pin fall. Haze was a bit frustrated already and rolled Star back into the casket with one of his legs hanging out of it; Haze then slammed the lid down onto Star’s leg and stomped on the casket lid. He then got a steel chair and slammed it down onto the casket lid, crushing Stars leg. Again, Star fought his way out of the casket and the two were going at it outside of the ring. Haze tried to slam Star’s head into the casket, but Star reversed it and slammed Haze’s head into the casket. Star went for a little pay back by rolling Haze into the casket and slamming the lid down on Haze’s leg. Star refused to try to close the lid on Haze and rolled him out of the casket to inflict more punishment. Star put Haze on the top rope and hit a huge suplex, causing both men to crash onto the mat and both guys had the wind knocked out of them. Star made it to his feet first and went for the attack, but Haze had untaped one of his wrist and used it to choke Star completely out and then he hit a flying elbow and rolled Star towards the casket. Star got to his feet and was holding onto the top rope and Haze hit him with another super kick but Star was still holding on with one hand. Haze ran towards the ropes and it looked like he was going to spear Star into the casket, however, Star dropped and pulled the rope down and Haze missed and slammed into the casket and Star quickly slammed the lid for the win. WINNER – KEVIN STAR The next match was the 6 man tag match but the WCCW Tag Team titles were not on the line. THE VOICE (BLACK RAIN, THE BUTCHER, HAYLEY SHADOWS) VS THE GREENS (SEAN BANE, LEXXI GREEN, TOMMY GREEN) It looked like it would be Lexxi and Hayley to start the match; however, Hayley clearly didn’t want to be in the ring with Lexxi, so The Butcher and Sean Bane were tagged. Lexxi wanted to get her hands on Hayley but that didn’t look like it would happen anytime soon. Butcher and Bane tore into each other and it looked like a totally different Sean Bane; he seemed more focused and determined. Bane slammed Butcher down and then hit a big drop kick and took a few seconds to stare down Black Rain before going to work on Butchers leg. Bane made the tag to Tommy Green as Butcher tagged Black Rain and Green went on the attack by slamming Rain’s head into the turnbuckle. Green then locked Rain up in the ropes and pulled his legs out while Lexxi ran into the ring, hopped over Tommy and landed on Rain like a cowboy on a horse. With Lexxi out of the ring and Rain and Green going at it, Rain got the upper hand and slung Green to the concrete and went towards the ref as Shadows slid off her belt and whipped Green across the back. Once the two were back in the ring, Lexxi and Shadows were tagged. Shadows ran around the ring from Lexxi and quickly tagged Butcher. The Butcher grabbed Lexxi and Bane made the save, but Butcher was in control with a power slam followed by a huge leg drop. Tommy Green tried to get into the ring but the ref stopped him and Butcher threw Bane out of the ring and again Shadows used her belt to whip a member of the Green team. The guys were out of the ring fighting and Lexxi and Shadows were in the ring together, face to face. Lexxi slapped Shadows and those two went after each other with no thought of actually wrestling but just straight out fighting. The girls were in the ring and all four of the guys were out of the ring and everyone was fighting and it was pure chaos. The ref was trying to get control, which was impossible. Lexxi found a green bucket and slammed Shadows head with it which caused the ref to call for the bell, however, no one cared and everyone continued tearing into each other. Shadows got the upper hand and attacked Lexxi in the ring; she wrapped Lexxi’s leg up in the rope and then kicked her in “a bad spot”. Shadows again attacked but Lexxi was ready and the two were literally choking each other; both were turning purple when the security guards got in the ring and separated the two. The two girls continued to go after each other until both locker rooms were cleared and everyone was focused on keeping the girls apart but around 15 grown men couldn’t do it! Finally, Black Rain was able to get Hayley Shadows to leave the ring and things settled down. WINNER – THE VOICE VIA DISQUALIFICATION The last match was one of the most anticipated matches in WCCW history. WCCW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH – BULL ROPE MATCH RAVISHING RONNIE ROBERTS (CHAMPION) VS ALEX ANGEL Last week, Roberts requested that this not only be a bull rope match, but he wanted submissions to count as well, which Angel agreed to. The rope was tied onto each guy and they met in the middle of the ring- Roberts slapped Angel and Angel returned the favor and then they both went at each other with fists flying. Angel hit a massive clothesline and Roberts rolled out of the ring, however, Angel just pulled the rope which slammed Roberts into the ring. Angel then tied Roberts to the blue steel pole at ringside and hit several loud chops to Robert’s chest. Angel was vicious with a clothesline outside of the ring, slamming Roberts to the concrete and then Angel used the cow bell from the bull rope and nailed Roberts with it several times. Angel realized he needed to get the match back in the ring and once in, he started slapping the turnbuckles to go for the traditional win; however, he only got to two turnbuckles when Roberts pulled the rope and stopped him. Angel started working on Roberts’ arm and then wrapped the rope around Roberts’ neck and started choking him with it; he then hit 10 elbows to Roberts’ chest and went for the turnbuckles again, however Roberts hit a kick before Angel could get the win. With Angel out for a moment, Roberts went under the ring for a chair and set it up, however, before he could use it he missed a super kick and Angel pulled the rope up between Robert’s legs and flipped him over with it. Alex ran towards the chair, looking like he may use it to jump off of, however, Roberts caught him and slammed him down onto the chair and then used his shirt to start choking Angel. Roberts started slapping Angel around, almost like he was playing with him and out of no where, Angel hit a huge spin buster and went for the turnbuckles again, this time he got to three before Roberts slammed him into the third corner, stopping the count. Angel got his hands on the chair and nailed Roberts with it and then sat it up against Roberts’ arm and kicked it, smashing Roberts’ arm. Angel then slung Roberts into the corner and went for the knee but Roberts was ready for him and went for the turnbuckles himself, only reaching two before Angel pulled the rope and hit Roberts with a suplex. Roberts rolled out of the ring and Angel just pulled the rope which pulled Roberts against the apron and Angel just kept pulling. Angel went for the attack outside of the ring, which was a huge mistake because Roberts grabbed him and slammed him into the pole. Roberts then picked Angel up for a power bomb and dropped Angel against the steel blue pole at ringside and Angel slid down. Roberts got another chair and put it around Angel’s neck and got ready to kick it, however, Angel fought back and hit Roberts with the chair. Angel then put Robert’s arm in between the chair and kicked it. While on the ground, Roberts pulled a huge block of wood from under the ring and hit Angel with it and then slammed it repeatedly across the back of Angel. The two made it back into the ring and Roberts went to the top rope, however, Angel jerked the rope and Roberts came slamming down to the mat and Angel went for a submission. The ref didn’t have time to ask Roberts if he gave up because ATM came in and kicked Angel to break the hold and then nailed him with a chair; which is all legal in this type of match. ATM then brought out a second rope and put it around Alex’s head while Roberts attacked him. ATM was yelling at the fans and failed to notice that Alex hit Roberts and walked up behind ATM. ATM turned around and got hit with the Go To Hell by Angel and he rolled out of the ring; Angel turned and hit Roberts with the Go To Hell and started heading for the turnbuckle. Angel hit the first three and came within inches of the fourth when Roberts pulled the rope and hit a super kick. Roberts then hit three out of four turnbuckles and Angel pulled the rope but Roberts was ready for it and went for a super kick, which he missed. Angel grabbed Roberts in the middle of the ring and locked on the Wings of Mars in the middle of the ring. Roberts couldn’t reach the ropes and ATM was knocked out on the concrete. Roberts tried to fight his way out of it but couldn’t and finally gave up and we have a new WCCW Champion! WINNER – ALEX ANGEL (NEW CHAMPION)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 01:46:17 +0000

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