WCCW Recap 09.28.2013 WCCW Reporter The house was packed on - TopicsExpress


WCCW Recap 09.28.2013 WCCW Reporter The house was packed on Saturday night, leaving standing room only at WCCW arena and the crowd was ready to go when GM TJ Lightning hit the ring holding the KY State Championship belt. TJ didn’t want to waste anytime getting the night started and promised a couple more surprises during the night. KY STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT FINAL ATM VS SEAN BANE (W/LEXXI GREEN) Before the match even started, the crowd was deafening with “we love Sean” chants and it was clear that ATM wasn’t going to let the match start until the crowd got under control. Once the chants stopped, ATM got on the microphone and had an offer for Lexxi; anytime she was ready for a real man, ATM would be waiting for her. The bell rang but ATM continued to exit the ring, annoyed by the chants of the fans and hesitant to get the match started, however, once in the ring, it was obvious that Bane was ready to go as he hit a clothesline, slung ATM into the corner and hit his signature sliding clothesline and then went for the quick win but only got a two count. Bane quickly went to work on the arm but that didn’t last long as ATM raked the eyes, nailed a DDT but only got a two count as well but he followed that up with a famouser but only got another two count. With Bane on the mat, ATM took the chance to tease Lexxi, however, Bane tried to capitalize with a quick roll up but ATM kicked out and went for the attack again. ATM was in control of the match, however, Bane was fighting back with punch after punch and then tackled ATM into the corner but ATM hit Bane and rolled out of the ring. Once out of the ring, he again started teasing Lexxi and chasing her around the ring but Bane was there for the save. Once back in the ring, Bane went for a huge splash but ATM got out of the way in time and followed up with a knee splash to the middle of Bane’s back. Bane rolled to the apron and tried to pull himself up, but ATM was ready and slammed into him, knocking Bane into the blue steel pole at ringside. Bane barely beat the 10 count back into the ring and ATM was read with the “S T DDT” but only got a two count. ATM again focused on Lexxi by blowing her a kiss which left Bane time to recover and nail the “Falcon Arrow” and the three count. WINNER – SEAN BANE – NEW KY STATE CHAMPION The next match sent the crowd into a frenzy as the WCCW Champion made his way to the ring. JR ROC VS ALEX ANGEL (WCCW CHAMPION) – NON TITLE MATCH JR Roc slung his leather strap towards Alex Angel before the match started, trying to intimidate the champion, however, it was clear that it didn’t have the effect that Roc was looking for; the bell rang and these two locked up in the middle of the ring. Roc hit an arm lock, which was reversed by Angel, which was then reversed by Roc until Angel threw Roc into the ropes and both guys went for a drop kick at the same exact time. The two locked up again and Angel threw Roc into the ropes, both crisscrossed a few times, then Angel dropped to the mat and Roc hopped over him. Angel was back up and they were crisscrossing again when Roc dropped to the mat, however, Angel was ready for it and slammed down on him. Angel picked Roc up and started hitting elbows to the chest. Roc headed out of the ring and Angel followed and the match continued on the concrete. JR took control of the match and rolled Angel back in and headed to the second turnbuckle for a flying head butt which hit perfectly but Roc wasn’t ready to make a pin. Roc rolled Angel over towards the corner and slammed Angel’s arm around the metal ring pole. It looked like the match was going the way Roc wanted, however, out of nowhere, Angel hit a spine buster and went for his finishing move, the “Go To Hell” but Roc had done his homework and started elbowing Angel in the head to stop it from happening. As Angel went to drop Roc, he flipped around and they both fell to the ground with Angel locking in the “Wings of Mars” and Roc tapped out. WINNER – ALEX ANGEL The announcer, Jerry Lee told the crowd that it was time for the ladies’ match; however, TJ Lightning’s music started playing. TJ was ready to unleash one of his surprise announcements for the night. Since Lexxi and Hayley have been going at each other for several weeks, TJ went out and got a special referee who would be able to handle the match a little better. The special referee was former OVW Women’s Champion Heidi Lovelace! LEXXI GREEN (W/ SEAN BANE) VS HAYLEY SHADOWS (W/BLACK RAIN & THE BUTCHER) Both ladies entered the ring with guys at their side, however, Sean Bane left ringside on his own. It was clear that The Voice wasn’t planning on going anywhere, so Lovelace’s first action was to ban Black Rain and The Butcher from ringside! Shadows spent awhile outside of the ring and once she was back in the ring, she still wasn’t ready because she needed to stretch first. After stretching, Shadows headed back out of the ring again and it was clear that Lovelace wasn’t going to deal with much of Shadows’ shenanigans. Shadows and Lexxi came face to face in the middle of the ring but that didn’t last long as Shadows slapped Lexxi and then slid out of the ring; Lexxi went after her but Shadows was a bit faster and slid back in the ring and caught Lexxi as she was trying to get back in and took control of the match. Shadows was in control of the match and continued to use the ropes to try to choke out Lexxi and, once again, Lovelace made it very clear that she had no problems disqualifying Shadows if she continued to choke Lexxi. While Shadows was in control, she failed to go for many pins and spent a lot of time arguing with the crowd, which gave Lexxi time to recover and go for the attack. Lexxi nailed a couple clotheslines and hooked in a submission; however, Shadows hit a cheap shot and regained control. Shadows tackled Lexxi into the corner and put one of her legs up on the rope and kicked her in places that shall not be named. Instead of going for a quick cover, Shadows and the referee started arguing and Shadows pushed the referee- not once, but twice! Lovelace stood her ground and slapped Shadows. Shadows didn’t expect the slap and was stunned, as she backed up, Lexxi was ready, fell to her knees and slid Shadows down her back, pinning her shoulders to the mat and getting the three count. WINNER – LEXXI GREEN Shadows was irate, screaming that this wasn’t over and as she was leaving ringside, ATM came out and came up behind Lexxi. Lexxi turned and ATM grabbed her and nailed a kneeling reverse piledriver but quickly got out of the ring as Sean Bane and others came out for the save. Lexxi was left lying in the ring, lifeless. The first intermission was up next; however, TJ had another surprise for everyone. He decided to sign a match with a ten minute time limit and since the card was so packed, they were going to have it during intermission! AUSTIN BRADLEY VS KASEY KASTLE – 10 MINUTE INTERMISSION MATCH TJ decided to let Heidi Lovelace be the special referee for this match as well; to much approval from the male fans in the audience! These two started matching move for move with a couple of arm locks and reversals into Bradley throwing on a headlock and Kastle reversing it into an arm lock. After all of that Bradley went for a quick drop kick; however Kastle saw it coming and just pushed him away. They measured each other up for a few seconds but Bradley got the upper hand and quickly hit a dropkick from the top rope but only got a two count. Both wrestlers seemed to forget about moves and just started throwing punches, however, Kastle got in a belly to belly supplex and covered quickly but still only got a two count. After the two count, he quickly went in for the attack again with a camel clutch submission but Bradley got out of it and capitalized with a flying head butt from the top rope but it didn’t look like it hit correctly and Kastle went on the attack with several two counts. Jerry Lee announced that there was one minute left and both wrestlers started hitting moves and going for the pin, however, only coming up with two counts ending with both hitting a clothesline at the same time. The referee started the ten count; however, both guys got to their knees and just started throwing punch after punch as Jerry Lee started the final 10 second count down. It was clear neither man was going to get the win but they still went at each other until the bell rang. The match had started with a handshake and ended with a hug with both men wanting a rematch. WINNER – 10 MINUTE TIME LIMIT REACHED; NO CONTEST The next match was a grudge match between former tag team partners and best friends. CHRIS MAJORS VS LEGENDARY LARRY D The match was ready to start when familiar music started playing and King Hustle made his way to the ring to try to talk some sense into these two guys. Hustle explained to Majors that he wasn’t giving Larry D any choice in the matter and that he should apologize. Hustle wanted things to go back to the way they had been for the past two years, with King Hustle’s Court going all over America and running the tag team division everywhere they went, however, it was clear that these two just wanted to go at each other. Hustle stated that if they went ahead with the match, they would be doing it without him and he refused to be in either corner. Hustle then told them that this was going to be a lesson with Larry D as the teacher and Majors as the student and he left ringside. The match started quickly with a couple of pushes and Larry D still trying to tell Majors to apologize and it didn’t have to be this way but then Majors hit Larry D and the pushing match turned into a punching match, which then turned into a five minute hellish brawl. Larry D nailed Majors with a football tackle from the top rope and it sounds like both guys would go through the mat. Majors got control of the match with a cheap shot and slammed Larry D and was literally stomping him into the mat. Larry D ended up getting knocked out of the ring and into the blue steel pole at ringside, however, when Majors went for the attack out of the ring, Larry D hit one of the most powerful, loud and painful chest slaps I’ve ever seen, leaving Majors’ chest instantly bruised. Majors seemed to have a rush of adrenaline because it barely fazed him as he threw Larry D back into the ring and hit a huge clothesline to finally slow the match down. These two big guys had been going strong for awhile and both were wearing down, however, both were still throwing punches and Larry D was still trying to talk some sense into Majors, even trying to force him to apologize to the fans as he raked his eyes across the top rope and still Majors refused and continued to fight back. Majors hit a huge splash but only got a two count, Larry D locked in the “Walls of Larry” but Majors made it to the ropes. Larry D missed a huge tackle and Majors was quick with a boot to the face, but still only got a two count. Larry D nailed a huge clothesline…two count….he followed up with a belly to belly supplex which made the whole ring shake….still just a two count. The two were trading punches while the referee was trying to get the match under control, yet both Larry D and Majors pushed the referee and continued going at each other. Again, the referee tried to break up the brawl and get it back to a wrestling match but this time Larry D and Majors literally pushed the referee out of the ring. The referee had no choice but to disqualify both wrestlers but that wasn’t enough to stop them. King Hustle ran into the ring to break up the fight, however, both swung at Hustle and it looked like Larry D connected and knocked Hustle completely out. Both guys finally stopped and Larry D told Majors to look what he was responsible for doing. Majors headed to the locker room as help came out for King Hustle. WINNER – DOUBLE DISQUALIFICATION The next match was one WCCW fans have been waiting on for months. WCCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP THE DIAMOND CARTEL (W/SCOTT DIAMOND) VS THE VOICE (W/ HAYLEY SHADOWS) There was a tag before any action even took place; it looked like Stan Sierra and Black Rain would start the match, however, Sierra quickly tagged Frank the Tank which sent Black Rain into the corner and trying to tag a very reluctant Butcher. In the end, Stan Sierra was tagged in and he faced Black Rain. Stan quickly overpowered Black Rain and shoved him into the corner and started stomping him as Rain rolled out of the ring to end the assault. With Rain back in the ring, these two locked up again but Rain unleashed several punches and kicks to Sierra and made a tag. The Butcher came in and immediately went for the throat of Stan Sierra, literally biting him. The Butcher forced Sierra into The Voice’s corner so they could double up on him; however, he quickly came fighting out of the corner, swinging fists left and right and tagged Frank. Frank took control of the match and hit a flying head butt from the second rope and tried to keep The Butcher in the Cartel’s corner for some double teaming but The Butcher got out of the ring in time. Once The Butcher was back in the ring, Sierra attacked and took control of the match and started slowing things down by locking in the “Camel Clutch” and wearing The Butcher down. Frank was tagged in and hit a couple of huge supplexes and then a football type shoulder tackle. Frank knew exactly what to do at this point and got the referee’s attention as Scott Diamond used his cane to choke out The Butcher. The Cartel was in full control of the match and Frank got on the outside apron to flip himself over the top rope but The Butcher barely got out of the way in time as Frank’s 400lbs+ body came flying over the top rope and crashing down. Frank was a little stunned but made a quick tag to Sierra who stopped The Butcher from tagging in Black Rain. The Diamond Cartel were tagging in and out and keeping The Butcher in their corner and keeping the match exactly where they wanted it. Frank had The Butcher in a tight bear hug, squeezing the life out of him and then Sierra came in with a sleeper hold. The Butcher got a second wind and fought back and jumped to make the tag to Black Rain as Sierra tagged in Frank, who automatically took control by knocking Rain to the mat. Sierra rolled out of the ring and went over to attack The Butcher while Frank and Black Rain ended up outside of the ring as well. All four men were going at it on the concrete, ignoring the referees ten count. Both teams were counted out but they continued to fight into the locker room. WINNER – DOUBLE COUNT OUT Hayley Shadows was left standing in the ring and Scott Diamond climbed in the ring with her. Scott took his hat and jacket off and was about ready to attack Hayley when Rain came out for the save. Hayley grabbed Scott and Black Rain took a stick and tried to carve something into the head of Diamond. Hayley pushed Diamond to the ground as The Diamond Cartel make their way back to the ring. The final match of the night brought a former WWE superstar into the WCCW ring for the first time. BRANDON TAGGART VS RIKISHI (NON USA CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH) Taggart did a lot of talking, as we have all become accustomed to, but then he went a little farther and decided to shake Rikishi’s hand. Rikishi didn’t seem to think that Taggart was very sincere and all of the fans were yelling not to do it. After several minutes, Rikishi reached out his hand; both men had the same idea but Rikishi was faster as he slapped Taggart. Taggart fell back into the corner and it looked like Rikishi may go for the “Stink Face” earlier than anyone thought, however, Taggart quickly rolled out of the ring and wanted no part of it. These two big guys finally locked horns in the middle of the ring and ended up all over the ring, still locked up, until Rikishi eventually shoved Taggart across the ring. Rikishi started unloading some punches but Taggart was quick to counter with an eye gouge and then he went for a body slam…he went for one but it was clearly not going to happen as he tried to pick Rikishi up, yet he couldn’t even budge him. Taggart quickly rolled out of the ring and got the USA Championship belt and brought it into the ring to use; the referee stopped him, however, Taggart seemed confused. He stated “it’s my belt, I can use it if I want” but the referee got it away from him. Taggart was clearly trying to get disqualified to end the match before he risked getting a “Stink Face” from Rikishi. As the referee took the belt back to hand it to security, Taggart hit a low blow on Rikishi which changed the entire match. Taggart hit a huge splash and then hit several punches, knocking Rikishi to the mat and then stomping him. Rikishi was fighting his way back to his feet with punch after punch but Taggart was throwing punches as well, only his weren’t having the same affect. After several punches, Rikishi hit three big clotheslines and then super kicked Taggart into the corner. Rikishi saw that Taggart was set up perfectly for the “Stink Face” and didn’t waste any time dropping his pants and, um…well, completing the maneuver. Taggart was hanging half out of the ring gagging when Rikishi picked him up and hit a “Samoan Spike” for the three count. WINNER – RIKISHI Taggart was out cold and Rikishi was celebrating, but it was obvious that the fans wanted to see him dance. Rikishi was trying to be modest but the fans continued, so the referee got Rikishi’s sunglasses and talked him into breaking it down a bit for the fans. Rikishi’s dancing music hit and it looked like Rikishi and the referee were going to start dancing; however, the hypnotic beat was enough to bring Taggart to reality. Taggart tried to get up but the beat got him and he started bobbing his head. Then, all three of them started dancing in the middle of the ring…for a few seconds at least. The referee and Rikishi stopped and watched Taggart for a few minutes and then Rikishi floored him, sending him to the concrete. Rikishi and the referee danced for several minutes while the crowd went nuts. Rikishi thanked the WCCW fans and headed to the locker room and everyone got up to leave the arena. To much surprise, Taggart had rolled back into the ring with the microphone and the USA Championship belt and reminded everyone that he was still the champion and he would lead the fans into a better America.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 00:39:55 +0000

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