WE ARE BEING SCREWED: On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court - TopicsExpress


WE ARE BEING SCREWED: On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States, in “Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission”, ruled that money is speech. Donations to political parties from corporations suddenly became symbolic speech and a right that cannot to be trifled upon. If that is true, we all have the right to gamble or sell ourselves into prostitution. If money is speech, we should exercise our right to withhold our “free speech money” in protest of the abuses suffered at the hands of a government that is growing more tyrannical every day. Speech is speech and money is money. They are not the same. Money is property, an inanimate object with no unalienable rights of its own. Money can be likened to speech only in that owning money is an individual right, just as owning any other property is a right. Free speech is a thing people have a right to exercise and is one of the rights enumerated in our Constitution, which clearly states that people have a right to own property. Money (profit) is property, a thing that must be earned, and nothing earned has any rights of its own. Only individuals, the core of Constitutional Republicanism, have rights. Speech doesn’t have to be earned; it is an unalienable right that comes with no cost until abused. That is why the fight for campaign finance reform is a legitimate fight. But there are people, like talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, who claim to be conservative while advocating that corporate entities have a right to silence individual speech. As a supporter of corporate donations to political parties, Limbaugh attempts to make the case that it is proper for corporations to rob individual citizens of the effectiveness of their vote by collectively out biding them. He forgets that our Constitution was designed to protect individual rights and specifically addresses individual rights without making any mention of corporate rights, other than the right of people to assemble. Rush needs to change horses; his is drowning. While our Constitution acknowledges individual rights and permits individuals to incorporate as a group entity, it limits the power of such unions by giving Congress (the people’s representatives) the responsibility to regulate interstate commerce. The right of the people to incorporate or the right of Congress to regulate commerce does not mean either has a right to establish and operate a government-sponsored conspiracy or monopoly. The individual rights retained by the people when the Constitution was established are enumerated in the first ten amendments and enacted into law in accordance with provisions contained in the body of that document. Individual rights are the most precious rights of all, and they take precedence over any assumed rights of corporations, political parties, special interest groups, or any group. In fact, not only does the Constitution make no reference to corporate rights, it doesn’t even mention political parties. Political parties are creations of the people under their First Amendment right to assemble (gather together). Government and political office holders are entities created by the people. Therefore, the individual rights of the people come first. What people have a right to create they also have a right to destroy and rebuild in their own fashion. But “the people” can neither create nor destroy government if they fail to reserve to themselves the collective ability to do either. Therefore, “We the people” retained our individual right to keep and bear arms. Nevertheless, in defiance of its charter, our government continues to broaden its monopolistic powers over individual citizens while conspiring with foreign oil nations and international banking interests to aid and abet their monopolistic practices over the world oil trade and private business practices. If domestic oil companies and private banks were to do what the foreign oil cartel and international banks are doing, our government would declare them a monopoly, break them up, and fine them. But our government will never consider raising the issue. Money funneled from foreign potentates through off-shore accounts and into the coffers of the major political parties and individual politicians can only be described as bribery and/or hush money. Politicians are covertly telling the American people to go to hell. There is a very serious and criminal problem with the way political campaigns are financed at all levels of government, which includes money from foreign governments and individuals. There is just no possible way for American citizens to compete with our government when it operates in violation of its own anti-racketeering statutes. Furthermore, the two major political parties will never be convinced, through accepted legislative means, to change the way campaigns are financed or conduct affairs they prefer to keep secret from the people. That would be like asking a fat pig to pull away from a full trough. The only solutions are to either empty the trough or kill the pig. But American voters can no longer be counted on to change anything. About fifty percent of them are moochers that keep sucking on the fat pig’s teats. Another ten percent are their socialist leaders who make sure the trough is kept full at the expense of the producing classes. That is over fifty percent of the voters. The producing and tax paying middle and upper classes cannot change anything simply because they are being out voted. That point was proven during the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections. Apparently, the only crimes that a protected, sedated, and uninformed people care about are the ones they perceive as being personal threats to their government benefits. The sheep of America feel secure in their unfounded belief that they will continue enjoying economic security while politicians of both major parties continue to revel in their knowledge of how easy it is to buy off the dependent classes at the expense of the producing classes; at least for now. The only Constitutional solution to the problem of campaign financing (bribery) is to prohibit any public organization, private corporation, or special interest group from making contributions to any political candidate or political party. Any legal citizen of the United States should be permitted to contribute any amount of money to any candidate or special interest group, but each contribution should be itemized separately on their individual tax return as a non-deductible contribution. But no person should be allowed to contribute to any candidate who is not a candidate in an election in which the contributing individual is not qualified to vote. Any candidate accepting any contribution not authorized by such law should be disqualified from holding public office, including the one in which he is the incumbent. Any individual, corporate CEO or officer of any special interest group who violates that law should be fined a hundred times their total contribution and imprisoned not less than the time equal to the term of the office violated. Until Americans decide to do away with corporate vote buying they will continue paying for crimes committed by politicians and those who control them (PAC rats and foreign political and financial interests). That is not going to happen anytime in the near future. The United States of America has been surreptitiously changed from a Constitutional Republic to a pure democracy, and the voting moochers and their socialist keepers have the keys to the treasury. However, like all bad debts, the balloon payment will eventually come due. When that day comes, the producing classes will be unwilling and even unable to pay, and internal revolution or external conquest is likely to engulf a nation that failed to heed the thundering sound of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. We reap what we sow. History is my witness, and I hear the sound of distant hoofs.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 11:31:13 +0000

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