WE ARE ENTERING A PERIOD OF 2000 YEARS OF LIGHT Earth Changes, - TopicsExpress


WE ARE ENTERING A PERIOD OF 2000 YEARS OF LIGHT Earth Changes, Galactic News, Paradigm Shift, World News Add comments Aug 05 2014 WE ARE ENTERING A PERIOD OF 2000 YEARS OF LIGHT (photon belt)…regarding the last time this happened (10000 years ago) the Aboriginals say: “Men were different then; we had a bridge to the stars. Indian in the machine writes: We are moving through a strong galactic cloud….this is confirmed by Nasa, Hatonn, Ashtar, myself and many others. Aboriginals have foretold of this event for thousands of years and it’s even mentioned in the bible. As our planet enters the photon belt we will eventually go through a shock similar to putting your finger in a light socket. If you resist the Light, you will not survive…now can you see why I’ve been selling ionic foot bath plates online for INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY? The ionic foot bath will assist you to flush heavy metals from your body which creates electrical RESISTANCE. We are in the time where we are removing the resistance to Light, within us, this is our gift to humanity and to ourselves. If you refuse to educate yourself, then you are one of those in denial who will not survive the next few years, this is why the period we are in right now is called THE GREAT SORTING. Can you see now Dear Ones why the food air, water and soil is laced with heavy metals??? I WOULD HOPE SO! I’ve compiled several articles of information here in this one blog…this one blog can and will affect this lifetime and several hundred lifetimes to come…..believe it! Love, Dieter 2000 YEARS OF ALL LIGHT! 8/24/09 from HATONN/jonur Hatonn present. Greetings on this beauteous New Year; you are now 22 YEARS AND 8 DAYS into the New Cycle. All your ancient calendars ended AUGUST 16th, 1987, at Midnight and the new counting began AUGUST 17th, 1987, “Year 23” as man refers to it in his counting. We of Aton’s Heavenly HOSTS do not count that way. We utilize SEQUENCE OF EVENTS to keep track of “time”. And the sequence of events happening now indicates that your planet is about to enter a “Cosmic Cloud”. Gyeorgos present in the Light of Holy God. Amen. 2000 YEARS OF ALL LIGHT! Before we examine daily U.S. and World Events in detail, and answer correspondence from friends and readers, I wish to outline broadly what you can expect in this new cycle of man’s and Earth’s experience. It is said in your Biblical and Mythological texts (and true Historical writings, if you can still get them) that the Earth will experience a Time of Radiance lasting some thousand or so years. Hitler’s Third Reich and “Illuminated” “master race” made their long-range plans based on this time period. Nostradamus, the seer of 500 years past, spoke of this segment of planetary evolution in his “Quatrains”: “…And it will rain no more, but in forty years it will be normal.” Australian Aboriginals know this period of time in the cycle changes very well. All of their culture is based on this ancient knowledge from not only your planet’s past but your Earth’s orbital connection with the stars of the PLEIADES CONSTELLATION. When you are in the period of LIGHT the Aboriginals say: “Men were different then; we had a bridge to the stars.” The Greeks, the ancient Chinese, the Mayan Indians, all the great cultures of man—who were the highest in knowledge—talked of “The Star People from The Seven Sisters”. THE “SEVEN SISTERS” (THE PLEIADES STAR GROUP) By any language, the various societies of man claim their foundations as being FROM and inspired (Definition: “In-SPIRIT”) by Beings who visited Earth from the Pleiades Star Group, or “constellation”. Called the Seven Sisters, this not-so-little group of stars is where Earth-man comes from. The spirit of man is birthed of this region of your galaxy. The “Beings of Light” and the great and fantastic stories of your Holy Bible—including the characters—EXISTED WITHIN THE INFLUENCE OF THE SEVEN SISTERS. When your planet approaches the Pleiades star cluster—DURING THE EARTH’S NATURAL 24 THOUSAND YEAR ORBIT AROUND IT—all the moons and planets and even your own Sun (your Star), pass through a cosmic cloud made of pure Light. This NATURAL PHENOMENON happens TWICE within every 24 THOUSAND YEAR CYCLE. Two thousand years of all light, then 10 thousand years of “darkness” (the period you are in right now—DAYTIME, NIGHTTIME); then, at the “bottom” of the cycle, two thousand years of light (No darkness whatsoever, not in the deepest cave, not within the human body); and finally, back at the beginning again,two thousand years of light. The cloud is shaped like a “doughnut” or band which accounts for the entry periods. You have gone through the entire cycle and are now poised, back at “The Beginning”. THE JEWS KNOW IT IS COMING The false one labeled “Jew”—the Turkish Khazars, passing themselves off as Hebrew Judaists (which does not mean “J-E-W”) so you Christians and non-“Jews” will think that they are the people of your Holy Bible—KNOW WHAT IS COMING! All THEIR efforts are going to take advantage of “The Big Surprise” from the heavens. This “light cloud” entry will happen—as it is now calculated—probably during President Obama’s Presidency. This will give man the best possible chance to prepare for it. Obama, The Sultan of Sulu, French President Sarkozy, and even The “White” (meaning “Christian”, not skin color) Russians will play major roles in guiding humanity through what is coming. And, oh my, chelas, a lot is coming! The “Hollywood Jews” are planning a “Mars Attack”/ “War Of The Worlds” catastrophic Space War—complete with genetically engineered (“cloned”, if you will) aliens to scare the living daylight out of you. Literally! This evening I want to go over what you can expect to see and experience on the ground and in the skies, for if you cannot tell the difference between natural Earth Changes and “technological trickery” by the clever (but stupid) Jew of Turkish Khazar lineage, then you will be at the mercy of their evil Global 2000 Plan. Commander Hatonn, of the Star Craft PHOENIX, on station and hereby on Alert Status. Moving to stand-by frequency. SALU! phoenixmaterials.org/html/contact_-_2009_20.html
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:41:01 +0000

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