(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) * - TopicsExpress


(WE! ARE LABOURERS TOGETHER WITH GOD in 1 Corinthians 3:9a.) * ISAIAH 40:4a- Every (VALLEY) Shall be (EXALTED,) and Every (MOUNTAIN and (HILL) Shall be (MADE LOW:) 40:5a- And The (GLORY OF THE LORD) Shall Be REVEALED, and (ALL FLESH) Shall SEE it (TOGETHER:) For The (MOUTH OF THE LORD) Hath (SPOKEN IT!) GOD! Said in Ezekiel 21:26- Thus saith The (LORD GOD;) Remove The DIADEM, and taken off The CROWN: This shall NOT be the SAME: (EXALT) Him that (IS LOW,) and (ABASE) Him that (IS HIGH). 21:27- I will OVERTURN, OVERTURN, OVERTURN, IT: and IT shall be (NO MORE,) Until He Come Whose (RIGHT IT IS;) and (I WILL) Give IT Him. * GOD! OVERTURNED The 42nd. Jewish KING of The (THEOCRACY) Kingdom and Gave The DIADEM/ CROWN to BABYLON, MEDIA/PERSIA, GREECE, ROME and to HIM Whom (RIGHT IT IS;) JESUS! PLAYING The (NUMBER) Game was Legalized in 1964 AD. During Mr. Johnsons Presidency. Mr. George H. W. Bush was The 40ty. President and The (NUMBER 6TH. BEAST) after Johnson; (Daniel 7:17:) Whom (GOD OVERTURNED!) * Mr. BILL Clinton was The 41st. President; The 2nd. (NUMBER 6TH. BEAST) After President Nixon; (GOD OVERTURNED!) * Mr. George W. Bush was the 42nd. President and The 3rd. (NUMBER 6TH. BEAST) After President Ford; (GOD OVERTURNED) in 2008 AD! THE 6-6-6! in Revelation 13:17-18: and Gave The DIADEM/ CROWN to Him whose (RIGHT IT) Was; Mr. President BARACK Obama! IN! That; The Prosperity of The U. S. A. Was WORKED out Upon the (BACKS!) of The BLACK/AMERICANS! * HE! is The 2ND. CHILD; (GOOD and BAD) in Ecclesiastes 4:15: The 2ND. STONE Cut Out of the Mountain “Without Hands” JESUS! Being The First ROCK/STONE! in Daniel 2:45b- That Brake in Pieces The IRON, the BRASS, the CLAY, the SILVER, and the GOLD; The GREAT GOD Hath Made Known to (THE KING) What Shall Come to Pass Hereafter: * (THINGS DOUBLE in Genesis 41:32.) The 2ND. Coming of JESUS! shall Come Upon; (WHOLE EARTH) in Luke 21:35a- As a (SNARE!) THE! Gentile; Emperor CONSTANTINE, Guardian of (CHRIST-IANITY,) STOPPED The Worshipping of Emperors, Mr. President OBAMA, STOPPED The Worshipping of U. S. A. Presidents! * BEFORE! His Presidency; The People Heaped their (RICHES) and (TREASURES) Together and Gave Them to Bernie Madoff, WALL and MAIN street, Freddie Mac, Fannie May and A.I.G.! Of which, it is written in James 5:1- Go to now ye (RICH MEN), Weep and Howl for your Miseries that Shall Come Upon You. 5:2- Your (RICHES) are Corrupted” and your Garments are Motheaten. 5:3- Your GOLD and SILVER is cankered; and the Rush of them shall be a Witness against You, and shall eat Your Flesh as it were Fire. You have Heaped (TREASURE TOGETHER) For The LAST DAYS! James 5:4- Behold, The (HIRE) of the Labourers who have (REAPED) down Your (FIELDS,) Which is of You (KEEP BACK) by (FRAUD,) Crieth: and The (CRIES OF THEM) Which have REAPED are ENTERED into The (EARS) of The (LORD OF SABAOTH!) * At - https://facebook/pages/Author-G-N-Holman-Ministry/159330774145892.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 09:40:23 +0000

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