WE ARE MORE THAN A STAR ON SOMEBODY ELSES FLAG! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE....WITH NOTICE! I hereby wish everyone reading a very happy New Year. Have a great time folks, God bless to you all. I myself am just getting rid of a bit of Man Flu but am almost fully recovered, finally :-) Ok, well what am I giving notice to? You may be aware in around 4 months time we face yet another boring, same old politicians, same old policies general election? The very same old tired, lackluster liars and traitors that have blighted our lives since the day we were born so that they could line their greedy, treasonous pockets at the expense of us while we just carry on picking up the bill....Right? Well I say NO! I say 2015 is going to be the year of change for our people theyve been crying out for, for so many years. As annoying as it is, were ALL destined to pick up the baton of freedom and democracy for our children and sort this mess out once and for all! So, for the next 4 months Im going to do everything in my power to get YOU to VOTE UKIP in May! Anyone that knows me already knows that I wouldnt dream of bothering them with politics unless it was incredibly important. They know Im fighting for a good cause and will support me 100%, of that I have no doubt. My family, friends at work, those I meet in the street....They back me because they know I care about them. They hate politicians but they know Im an honest guy and if I say this is important, they trust me enough to know it is. I dont do lies, its not my thing :-) What I do...Is the United Kingdom. I fight with all of my heart and soul for a great country and great people that, free of the criminals of the EU, could one day unite again behind our flag and be a proud, independent, forward and global looking country that cares for all....A country that puts its own people first but remembers the sacrificies of all those people across the Commonwealth that gave so much in 2 world wars to fight for their mother country. Tonight I sleep and rest to get rid of the bug unwelcome. Tomorrow I launch my own personal assault on the British establishment and the virus infecting our nation as I join the thousands of our people all across the UK giving everything they have got to secure independence and freedom for Britain as we try to bring down the 3 Parties that seek our destruction. As far as were concerned..... We are more than a star on somebody elses flag All I ask for is your support my friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR, KEEP GOING & HAVE A GREAT NIGHT X ww.ukipleeds.org.uk
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:34:23 +0000

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