WE ARE ONLY FLESH... Why were the lives of the angelic deadbeat - TopicsExpress


WE ARE ONLY FLESH... Why were the lives of the angelic deadbeat fathers of the Nephilim spared from the great deluge spoken of in Genesis 7? These spirit sons of God were allowed to impregnate the daughters of men, a subspecies to them, and leave them to become single parents to these interspecies hybrid children. God, being the omnipotent being that He is said to be, could have stopped that from happening to those women, but He, apparently, didnt care, and looked on with indifference. In fact, in Genesis 6:3, he says: My spirit will not tolerate man indefinitely, because he is only flesh. Accordingly, his days will amount to 120 years. While His spirit sons were irresponsibly using human females for their own personal entertainment, it was humanity that was becoming intolerable for God to watch, to the point that He felt that their lifespan should be cut short. His spirit sons can do no wrong in His eyes. Genesis 6:5-7 says: Consequently, [God] saw that man’s wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. [God] regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened. So [God] said: “I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground, man together with domestic animals, creeping animals, and flying creatures of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them. Comment(s): Why does there seems to be this running gag in the bible in which the wrong person/people are blamed for things that they could not have truly been responsible for? Running gag? Yes. It isnt funny, but it must be some kind of a joke. God has been presented in the bible as the epitome of love, justice, and wisdom, has He not? He has certainly not proven Himself to be such. According to the first example, Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden with a snake that was being used as a puppet, coerced into doing something that she would have never done on her own, and punished, along with the the innocent snake and the rest of humanity, for the wrongdoing of some other entity (Genesis 3). Last time I checked, snakes didnt have the ability to talk. The snake was used as a scapegoat. All of earths inhabitants, man and animals alike, are merely disposable playthings, according to the many examples set forth. Why is everything that the Father creates so flawed, and how many times is He going to have to destroy it all before he gets it right? If He wanted humanity to learn how to appreciate his creation, He could do a better job of leading by example. Just a thought.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:11:23 +0000

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