WE ARE OUR GREATEST ENEMY! I saw youth celebrating SAS in - TopicsExpress


WE ARE OUR GREATEST ENEMY! I saw youth celebrating SAS in Maiduguri. I saw one of our so called elders saying sai Jonathan. Youth that are suppose to be engaged in meaningful initiatives for our future are now forming groups in support of Jonathan, just to get a token as a sacrifice for their future. By any standard the current leadership has no legitimate right to ask for extention given the mess it lead us into. I wish Nigerians will at least grow a degree above their current level of cowardice, just for them to understand religion &tribal difference is never the issue and therefore doesnt matter in the making of our leadership. I wish my fellow country men will for once use their heads instead of what they usually use to think, and think rationally at least to understand that our poverty, illiteracy, unemployment etc were artificially inflicted on us by the very few of us and that we have all it takes to make it change. Others have excel as a nation because they have natural resources while others have nothing but themselves yet they were able to make it to the top,however ours is a situation which is humanly unimaginable,we have the resources in abundance,we equally have enthusiastic man power that is very willing to make a better society for us but our only challenge since independence is leadership and this is the time to make it right. SUPPORT THE RIGHT CANDIDATE, IT MATTERS A LOT IN THE MAKING OF A BETTER FUTURE FOR YOUR KIDS.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:55:30 +0000

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