WE ARE STILL USING BANTU EDUCATION... AND IT IS STILL TAUGHT IN AFRIKAANS Bantu education was designed by the apartheid regime to give minimum education to the natives. Just enough to be the perfect labourer. Todays form of education is no different, the natives are napping on that. If you are studying Engeneering of some sort in a a fancy university in S.A, I feel sorry for you son, you are the perfect labourer. Coming back from University with that certificate (Pass), giving you permission that you are able to ask for employment from the white man (Vas). A posh job at Mittal Steel (who cares who owns it). Chances are you will live middle class all your life, living from pay slip to pay slip and probably retire poor. Is Manyama saying now education is bad. That young South Africans should not get educated? Education is good and we should all get educated or at least be literate, but it must be an education that is relevant to our present struggle. Here is an example, and it is only an example. The Bible. When the white man took the fertile land, abused your mothers, locked your fathers away and even slept with your sisters ( The coloured South Africans did not evolve from sun rays). When the black man came into town by bus in morning to labour away and left before sunset, which in fact, is still happening today if you open your eyes... they left us with the Bible. The story of the Bible is the greatest story ever told. In fact it is good lifestyle, nothing wrong with the Bible. Was it relevant to our struggle? Was being humbled and non-violent going to change anything? The education we receiving today is still similar to Bantu education and it is not relevant to todays struggle which if Economic Freedom. If we are fighting government for freedom, we study Marxist ideologies, how to overthrow a government, how other countries gained their independence. If we want to be as economically free as some countries in Europe, America and Australia we need to study about money,yes, there is no simpler way to say it but our education should be more money orientated. Not all of us should study Fitting and Turning, you are creating unemployment. We should learn how to make money, how to make your money work for you, run business, leadership skills and business ethics. This should be done from an early age, let away with this Bantu educating and let away with the slavery of the dark continent. Even if it means nationalizing, at least the money would remain in the country, and not to Washington DC and London. Last example,young Masingita Baloyi from a small village in Giyani called Mapeyeni goes to study a Welding Course somewhere in Gauteng. Since primary school he has been taught (Not in Afrikaans) how easy it is to open a business, already has more than one business plan living in a country where the government funds young entrepreneurs as this one funds teenage pregnancy. At 21, he is qualified, ready to open his business, equipped enough through education and government support. Five years later Masingita could have employed 10 formerly unemployed Mapeyenians and looking to extend his business to the next homeland. How about that for economic freedom? Kala Manyama is not saying lets fight the white man, Mandela already said that Never and never again shall.. blah blah blah we should all know that speech. He is not saying do not study (now I would be throwing the young ones into the fire) , not all of us can be Economic Freedom Fighters. Even during apartheid only a handfull were Freedom Fighters. Most of our fathers put their pass in their back pockets, went to work, set on their side of the train and went to the Black Only toilets. Almost oblivious that there is a fight to fight. Thats why Mandela spend almost decade in prison and the white man ruled for 300 years. We napped too long. Long live the youth of 1976 that woke most of us from a deep slumber. Africa can only help it self, I also have a dream, a dream of were Africa uses one currency,the Rand, just like they have the Euro and the Dollar,. a dream were all the money that comes from our minerals remains in the continent, where our young people are taught to be whatever they want to be, low unemployment and more entrepreneurs, and for my daughter to be able to travel the world for at least a month without a worry. Africa is the future. Mayibuye!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 07:05:00 +0000

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