WE ARE WITH THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED AND STAUNCHLY AGAINST THE OPPRESSORS: HABIB YOUSAFZAI ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM! The inhabitants of Jammu Kashmir alias Maqbooza Kashmir [also known as Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu Kashmir (IDA:JK)] are indebted to the 188.2 million brothers and sisters of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for their unwavering support for the freedom of a nation under the oppression of an occupying force. We salute Pakistan because despite the innumerable losses, it remains steadfast in their support since India’s preplanned attack and occupation of IDA: JK on October 27, 1947. Furthermore, we wholeheartedly appreciate the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, his sister Aseefa Bhutto Zardari and Former Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan Barrister Sultan Mehmood for their participation in the rally of London Million March on October 27, 2014 to impress India to cease its illegal occupation of IDA: JK. Based upon the partition plan of Indian-sub-continent, Kashmir being a Muslim Majority state should be a part of Pakistan. Moreover, we endorse the statement of Mr. Zardari, when he boldly stated that Pakistan will liberate every part of Kashmir from India’s illegal occupation. We feel the pain of the inhabitants of Arunachal Pradesh apart of Southern Tibet which was also occupied by the Indian government, and the Sikhs of Sikh Homeland Punjab (Khalistan) who were mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of Indian forces. The day is near when Arunachal Pradesh will once again join China which it originally belonged to and the flag of Khalistan will be waving alongside with other nations.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:54:32 +0000

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