WE ARE WORKING FOR A PURPOSE Where are you? What are you doing? - TopicsExpress


WE ARE WORKING FOR A PURPOSE Where are you? What are you doing? Why are you in that place? Questions like these give us clues on the purpose of what we are doing. An insane person may be unconsciously doing something friendly to the society .You are surprise ; What of the packing of broken glasses as part of his useless carried about loads? There is 100% assurance that human Endeavour’s are prompted by desire. What is this desire? Desire not to be a beggar before you are qualified to be a man Do you understand what I mean? I mean desire to rise up to your responsibility of feeding yourself, taking care of your family, be socially responsible and others without looking at any body’s face. Are you a man by name or responsibility? You are a man by name if you fail to realize your responsibility .Let us considered this, Awolowo, during his time was being referred to as man Awo i.e Baba Awo by almost everybody. Does that mean that Awolowo is our father? Capital No. But because of how responsible and how highly placed was he, he was adopted and generally accepted as our man. We are doing what we are doing for a purpose: No, doubt, if you are not working for money, you will certainly be working for something else and that is what we called purpose of working according to Mc Gregor, human being ordinarily would not want to work unless you force them but every human being wants rewards to work. Every human being therefore decides to work because of the reward to work and that is what everybody is working for. You may be working for money .man can also be working for fame and that is why you see some people in big firms. The fame of the firm presumably, adds to their fame. Money, though some people countered it, is the impetus behind the rolling of every wheel. You don’t know what I am saying, the era of prophets has gone, the entire populace remains on earth today but for a very minute number are easily motivated if not directed by money. Some people even believe that no good and commendable thing can be done in the absence of money. Some people are even ready to do anything, be it bad or good for the sake of money. In as much as man is sane, no man will move from one place to another, displacing a motion without a purpose. Although, the purpose may vary. Let me take you down the memory lane, Dr Olukade may his gentle soul rest in perfect peace was a man of high integrity. This was a man that you can hardly go to with anguish and leave with the same. he was a committed man to the core. He rendered zillions of help to the vast number of people during his life time .He was a man that seriously believed in the hereafter and the judgment there in. He was poor to the extent that he could not boast of having a car throughout his life time yet he was a traveler. He was industrious and caring .He considered every human being irrespective of religion being practised by such as his relative. The popular saying of this man was that whatever you do on this earth you are going to be held accountable. If you do good on this earth, goodness will be your reward and if you do otherwise, the same will be your reward what are we saying, despite the non-considering of this earth as something, every action of this gentle, humble and easy going man was being directed at a purpose and that is to inherit the kingdom of the lord [Aljanat] .Could you believe that when this man had a serious motor accident and needed to be taken abroad over fourteen million was initially gathered. Won’t you praise the mighty name of God? Yes agreed, you have a purpose for what you are doing. Is that purpose good or bad? If it is a purpose you can disclose, then it is good that was then. Nowadays people are known worldly because of their evils and are boast of the same .My brother and sister, let us purposely refine our society by having good purpose of whatever we are doing. No action without a purpose and it is not only a free hand that is a devil workshop but also a working hand with a bad purpose. Ours shall excel. THANKS ABDULWAASI ABUBAKAR
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 08:39:45 +0000

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