WE AS CHRISTIANS OFTEN GET CONFUSED ABOUT TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK VERSUS TAKING CONTINUOUS POTENTIALLY DEADLY PUNCHES TO THAT CHEEK. God DOES NOT want us to stay in abusive relationships or situations. Here is another excerpt from the article YOU CANNOT SAVE EVERYONE by Bryant McGill End it now! Dont waste another minute dealing with a toxic, negative, energy-draining person. Some people are wired for negativity. They love being argumentative, combative and abusive. Run for your life as quickly as possible. Life is too short and unpredictable to deal with these emotional vampires. They feed off of stressing you out, raising hell and creating drama for you. The toxic energy will turn your hair gray overnight, cause you to gain weight and rob you of your health. Dont waste valuable time trying to change them. Change yourself and get them out of your life! Dont say a word; leave all of your belongings if you have to in the middle of the night. Cut off all communication. Dont take their calls. You have heard all the lies before. They will not change. They dont choose to change. It is who they have decided to be. Move to another city, if you must, and start all over again. Your life is worth it. You deserve to have peace of mind, a great relationship and an exciting life. Watch how dramatically your life will change for the better once you get this burden off your back. The air you breathe will become fresh and invigorating. You will feel an infusion of exuberance, energy and love for life. With this stifling, suffocating and controlling person out of your life, get ready to live again and be the person that youve always wanted to be. Live life on your own terms, not having to answer to anyone but yourself. Control your own destiny.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:30:27 +0000

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