WE CAN CURSE THE DARKNESS OR WE CAN LIGHT A CANDLE. You can tell a book by it covers similarly you can tell a food by it taste. The delicacy as it contain in every meal testify it palatability which make a consumer to relish it and appetizing him more in the subsequent meal to come. The press of an object is what can do to the subject or for the subject. It may be possible to fool people for a season, but in the long haul, their deeds will catch up with them because the truth does come out..in the long term, people always lose when they live without ethics and professionalism. We are much contented with the personality structure of Hon Takori Gummi as we believe the leadership quality portrays itself to this honorable gentle man. BRR SANI TAKORI GUMMI MNI have proven his integrity. His selfless services to humanity accorded him the status he earn in his political endeavors. Hon Takori Gummi was today being attacked by his opponent those trying to dash away his popularity because of his intriguing nature and principles of identity. From various perspectives Takori Gummi is a true political fighter who can fight to the end. Whatever the situation may be the quest for leadership agitation will turn out in the end. The event we face today are the subject to reveal the inconsistency of those in power and will enable us to contrive comes 2015 Allah’s willing. We are motivated by the love and compassion from the good people of our great zone. Today many people look our present Senator trough the role and pattern he display as the attempt to fit over the realities of which as against the realities that compose the leadership. The politics of God -fatherism and the personalization of power by few individuals, that creates dis- unity among our teeming populace. Therefore we deemed it necessary as the future generation of our zone, state and our country at large to unite for a better candidate comes 2015, who can withstand all the multitude intricacies of our zone with talents and experience. Hon Sani Takori Gummi indeed is a candidate to watch with kin interest and work toward attaining the maximum support from the good people of our zone. Today the greatest challenge and strongest opponent ever in the history of Zamfara West emerged,to take specific consideration on the monopoly of leadership inclined with religious pretense for self aggrandizement of few individuals at helm of affairs. Our struggle will continue the God of the universe knows better than we do and surely those think to be manipulative will Insha Allah one day face disgrace in despair and capacity. Days are numbered, time is approaching.....the last day, the hour, the last minute, the last second. Dethroned and throne. Beyond one myopic view,against all odds. The lord of the universe with his infinite mercy the dreams will comes true. The man dies in him who keep silent in the face of tyranny! HON SANI TAKORI GUMMI YOUR TIME IS NOW. AND IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN??? We are together with you at all cost. Time is approaching, the destiny will soon emerged. The truth will prevail,light must prevail over darkness. They plot against you but Allah is the most of planners. We vehemently sympathize with the victims of circumstance. Moreover to those that are trying to ascribe the blame to our candidate have taken a wrong decision, we believe people of our zone are not foolish to accommodate such campaign of columny. The true fact the custodians of our peace and unity give just a little or no attention to the prevailing predicament. Patience and understanding with prayers will eventually take the lead. Our man, a natural leader Hon Takori Gummi will surely strive best as a Senator Zamfara west to provide our zone with peace, harmony, equity and justice. just believes together we can make it insha Allah. PEOPLE OF ZAMFARA WEST I THANK YOU ALL. IM MORE GREATEFUL TO YOU THAN YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. I PROMISE TO KEEP WRITING AND SPEAKING ABOUT HON TAKORI GUMMI, IF YOU WILL KEEP READING.. TAKORI GUMMI YA GODE
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 19:45:00 +0000

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