WE CAN RECOGNIZE IT IN OUR OWN LIVES BY ITS SYMPTOMS One of its symptoms is an awareness that at one time we cherished the love of God, his fellowship in worship, devotions and prayer much more than we do now. It seems much harder to pray like we used to. Our relationship seems to have become a little distant, even cold. We can find another symptom in our feelings, when we feel like we are doing all the work, while others sit down, have their devotions, their bible study or prayer meeting. We might even get angry that none of them are doing the work and carrying their part of the load. Others seem to be to heavenly minded to be of any earthly good! We have the Martha syndrome when we find ourselves to busy to spend time with God personally, in the study of his word and growth in prayer. We have the Martha syndrome when we somehow feel that we can leave those things until later, right now we have work to do. We have the Martha syndrome when we let the one thing that is needful slip because more pressing things are coming at us from all sides. And slowly, our relationship with the Lord, our knowledge of his word, our awareness of his presence ebbs away. Our relationship grows distant and weak. The Martha syndrome can happen in other relationships too. This happens in marriages. Often, first in a marriage there is vitality, love, romance, but as work comes into the picture - then children, school, business interests, it is very possible because of busyness that partners run past each other for all they have to do. And one day they look at each other and have to say I dont know you any more! The Martha Syndrome is to be distracted from a relationship of love to service/business
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:01:27 +0000

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