WE DID IT AND COULDNT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU!!! Islam Exposed has reached our goal of 100,000 fans with a weekly reach of 2.5 million people, and we owe it mostly to you! To celebrate this momentous occasion and express our appreciation, we wanted to personally thank you and share a little about ourselves and our own motivations for exposing the truth about Islam at Islam Exposed. We invite you to share your inspiring stories too... _______________________________________________________ New York Admin: Born and raised in the outskirts of New York City (New York State is much larger than merely Manhattan), it would seem natural that 9/11 – which shook up the world but generally affected New Yorkers most intimately and profoundly – would have been enough to shake me into reality and serve as the primary cause to inspire my efforts to raise public awareness about the inherent dangers of Islam here at Islam Exposed and elsewhere. To be perfectly honest, however, its been a journey and a process, and there are so many factors that contributed to it, making it hard to pinpoint one single reason and cause. My shock over changing social attitudes and the decline in Western values, the rapidly changing political climate from one in which democratic values were cherished to one in which covert actions and tyrannical policies are not the anomaly but instead are the norm, my increasing political involvement and activism as a result of the former, and the stunning election of Barack Hussein Obama – a blatantly clear anti-Semitic/anti-America president with a bend towards aligning hostile Islamic regimes and maligning our friends – all played significant roles. Another pivotal factor was my late return for a master’s degree in education, where “multicultural diversity” and “tolerance” were embellished and promoted in every graduate school course that I took to the point of ad nauseam but to the exclusion of tolerance for those with more traditional values like myself. No matter how immoral, controversial, and/or perverse a belief system may have seemed, we were encouraged to endorse a liberal, unbiased, and in fact inviting attitude and approach about it in our classrooms, imparting to students that just about anything goes. All this was compounded by my discovery of the massive historical errors, revisions, and outright omissions I found to be a pervasive, integral aspect of every leading textbook that I had to read. For older, more seasoned students like me, they were glaring; for younger prospective teachers (and even for the professors themselves), they went completely unnoticed. Most egregious of all, however, are the new and “innovative” teaching methods and practices we were taught to apply with our younger students. History is no longer based on a Eurocentric perspective but is taught “experientially” – subjectively in a vacuum and based on students’ personal experiences rather than on facts. Yet, perhaps what resonates most poignantly for me – as I watched in horror and awe as history unraveled before my eyes – are my fears for my son’s future, which as a mother is one of the most compelling factors of all, and my Jewish identity and faith in the Bible as truth. As I became more involved in politics, I began connecting the dots and grew more painfully aware of the re-emerging pattern in history and the global rise in anti-Semitism once again. I was raised in a family of Shoah survivors, and the repercussions and familial scars left from it reverberate for generations. This made all the above even more frightful, led me in search of greater understanding and knowledge, and demanded my immediate action. Like so many others, I wasnt fully aware at the time of Islamic doctrine and teachings, nor of Islam’s deep-seated hatred against non-Muslims and particularly Jews – its long brutal history against them, its involvement in the Holocaust, the obligation of every Muslim to convert or kill every last one of them, and their continued incitement of Jewish and Western hatred. While there were those who were instrumental in expanding my insight about Islam – such as Nonie Darwish, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Andrew Bostom, Dr. Morechai Kedar, and Professor Ruth Wisse – most of all I attribute it to the efforts of those like our fans at Islam Exposed. Our 100,000 membership mark is a testament to the relentless devotion and commitment to justice and truth of each and every one of you, your advocacy for basic human rights and freedoms for all of humanity, and your abilities to work collaboratively as a team to share our information and material with others to ensure that knowledge is power. We at Islam Exposed could not have reached the 100,000-membership goal without you, our fans, and we are grateful to you beyond words. Thank you for your continued support. With love, gratitude, and deep admiration, New York Administrator, Islam Exposed. ______________________________________________________ US Admin: I’m Israeli born and a proud American, now living in the USA. A father of three and a son of Holocaust survivors. Thanks so much for being a part of Islam Exposed! With your help we are reaching nations with the truth about Islam. Imagine the impact! Please continue to visit Islam Exposed share and help us spread the truth to the nations of the world! Information is the enemy of Islamic brutality. Spread it far and wide! _______________________________________________________ South African Admin: Most of the world believes that the colonization of Africa began some 440 years ago by Europeans. The little understood reality is that the colonization of Africa actually began some 1000 years before that when Mohammeds armies invaded and colonized North Africa. And whilst the European experiment with colonization has ended the Arab / Islamic colonization of Africa carries on in numerous areas like the Susan, Mali, Libya, Somalia, northern Kenya Etc etc I hope that that Islam Exposed has in some small way contributed to its readers being able to better understand how Islam has affected the world we live all live in. _______________________________________________________ The former Muslim Admin: I was born, raised and educated in Egypt and lived as a devout Muslima for 27 years. I was a member of the Muslim sisterhood chapter of Alexandria for 7 years. My father and brother did not try to kill me because of honor (having love affair outside marriage or with a non-Muslim) it was because I told them openly I reject Islam and Mohammed. I not only had to escape Islam, I also had to escape my country and family. So if anyone understands Islam, its me. As a result, I’m extremely determined to expose the evil of Islam and to tell my story to the world. Thank you for likening the Islam Exposed page, and please share our posts to help expose the truth about Islam. _______________________________________________________ Los Angeles Admin: About 5 yrs ago, after I joined FB I liked a page called Women of the World United Against Islamic/Muslim Sharia Law.. At the time I didnt know much of anything about Islam, but it is through them that I developed an interest in investigating deeper. Over these last 5 years I have been led by the hand, it seems, to uncover the truth about what Islam really is, on all levels. I believe that human beings have an obligation to their fellow man to expose evil, expose deception and bring awareness, especially of this dangerous threat to the world. That is what Islam Exposed is doing and has done, and I have been proud to be associated with it. _______________________________________________________ US Admin 2: Dear fans it has been my honor to fight this just cause with you. When questions on the Quran hit our page they usually end up on my desk. As part of the team my main responsibility is the study and dissection of the Quran and Islamic writings. It is my Christian faith and eternal love for dogs that has been my guiding light in this black hole of darkness. I am honored to be a part of this page and the team that Islam Exposed is. Fans and admins coming together to save humanity. Thank you! _______________________________________________________ Jerusalem Admin: From Jerusalem the eternal capital of the Jewish people I thank all of you for your hard work, good questions, and passionate participation. The defense of the planet is not just up to what we do, but what YOU do. We are the words and you are the voice. We are all united as the forces of good never forget and never surrender! _______________________________________________________ IL Admin: I never REALLY understood why they do this. Not as a little girl inside a gas mask during the Gulf War. Not when losing a friend in a suicide bombing in 2002 during the Second Intifada. Not during the countless times I had to run to a shelter in order to protect myself from missiles fired from Gaza. I never REALLY understood why they are so aggressive towards us until 4 years ago, when I came across a summary of the Hadith. When I first read it, I leaned back and thought to myself, Ohhh…no wonder. I was truly amazed by the level of violence demonstrated in the text. Of course, I couldnt leave it there. I continued my research, which was mostly based on Islamic sources. I began to realize more and more that it was not a religion but a dangerous political ideology with a clear mission of world domination. I was a liberal person then, and I am still a liberal person today. As one, it is my duty to stand in opposition to Islam. Sharia law, the essence of Islam, is the enemy of liberalism and, therefore, the enemy of everything that I believed in all my life: EQUALITY, FREEDOM and JUSTICE for all.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:53:32 +0000

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