WE DO NOT PRODUCE LOVE STORIES ... only fake dramas - TopicsExpress


WE DO NOT PRODUCE LOVE STORIES ... only fake dramas pallywood/ Pallywood as a term coined by Richard Landes to refer to productions staged by the Palestinians, in front of (and often with cooperation from) Western camera crews, for the purpose of promoting anti-Israel propaganda by disguising it as news. Pallywood (the Palestinian national film industry in which militant journalists and street actors produce staged news as propaganda, and two possible cases of Pallywoods lethal narratives --Al Durah and Gaza Beach (journalistic incitement to hatred and terrorism). In these cases, whether intentionally or not, the MSM became tools in the cognitive warfare waged against not just Israel but the democratic West. themuslimissue/palestinian-pallywood-propaganda-alive-and-well-in-media-reporting/ mashpedia/Pallywood?pagetype=topic&tab=2 https://youtube/watch?v=Eww7BkkvFdo WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DENOUNCE PALLYWOOD? pallywood/#!-propos1/c1541 - Pallywood distorts Western and Middle Eastern public opinion. pallywood/#!-propos1/c1541 - Aggravates the narrative victim/victimizer, dominant in both Western and Middle East Media, that prolongs the conflict - Perpetuates the David (Palestinians) Vs Goliath (Israel) narrative. - Contributes to the demonization of Israel/rise of anti-Semitism - An accurate and fair MSM are crucial for a healthy civil society. - By its sheer drama Pallywood leads to Western romantization of the Palestinian struggle and justification of the most atrocious methods to achieve their aims. “They’re beautiful, highly trained and deadly. They are the female suicide bombers.” Australia’s New Ideamagazine, April 7, 2003. Thanks to: theaugeanstables
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 16:20:00 +0000

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