WE DONT CONDONE SCAMS EVEN IF COMMITTED ON FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES Two years ago in 2012 I received a letter from an assistant professor from a foreign country wanting a letter from me agreeing to a month long academic attachment at my school. This was to get agreement and funding from her government. In good faith I agreed and issued the letter. She was supposed to come in 2013 but did not. Last month, she suddenly appeared at Razak School doorsteps. What to do? We took her in. After one day, she dissappeared with Langkawi as one of her destination. Today she dropped by to say goodbye and oh by the way could I issue five more letters to her friends back home with similar requirements? I flatly told her I will not issue any more letters of this kind as we are not a stamping agency to allow lecturers from her country to cheat their authorities into paying a one month all expenses paid holiday. Oh but this is common said her campanion. Last year I got similar letters from XXX and YYY universities in Malaysia who issued such letters and didnt bother to check what we are doing- not as what you are demanding he said. When I issue letters accepting you, I take personal responsibility for your safety and well being I replied angrily. If something happens to you, the buck stops at me and my officers. If you want a letter just inviting you and then dissapear, then go back to the universities that issued those letters that you claim. We are interested in serious research collaborations, not an outlet for a holiday. Tell your friends we will not welcome such requests and will not be issuing any letters in the future The went off. I know their country is rich and is giving incentives for their lecturers to go out and promote research training and collaboration. But their system is loose and these people are exploiting their governments. Cheats! You can cheat your government but dont expect UTM to help you!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 10:00:49 +0000

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