WE DONT PAY THEM TO EAT DONUTS So Ive seen this video several - TopicsExpress


WE DONT PAY THEM TO EAT DONUTS So Ive seen this video several times now and although I teared up almost cried when I saw the little boy come out of the car with his hands up - because no one wants to see a frightened child -- this video is an EXAMPLE of everyone on video doing things CORRECTLY ... notice the officers apologized at the scene multiple times and she walked away unscathed. Once they told the field officer that her car plates matched he has to take action. I heard in the video when the officer said he called in the plates and they said it matched and that is why he pulled her over. The officer apologized for the error everything is there on the tape so no need for interpretations. Now they just have to work on better communication between the dispatch and the field officer. The thing is either way ... nothing went wrong. Mistakes will happen thats why people cant overreact. If we dont want the police to stop people then lets just get rid of the police. If we are going to promote hostility towards the police understand that this could taint how people interact and react when they see the police this could result in more unnecessary harm to the public. I have been thinking about this conversation that many blacks say they have with their children on how to interact with the police - what are we telling them - are we telling them to be respectful and comply(answer questions) or are we telling them they have no right to do this or that. I grew up in America and I have had many interactions with the police and all of them have ended with me walking away unharmed - one time a knife was involved, another time I actually kicked an officer while fighting with someone else and I wont even tell you what happened the last time I almost got arrested many, many years ago now (Ive matured). I have been pulled over for speeding I cannot count how many times, pulled over for talking on cell-phone, once I made an illegal turn and I knew it was illegal and the cop was sitting right there -- AND I SAW THEM before I did it -- I GOT PULLED OVER AND I DIDNT GET A TICKET. I have argued over parking tickets(once for about five minutes--I still got ticket). I am not defending them -- one came into my house and put his foot on my sofa, one poked me when I was detained and being questioned, one pushed me in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. In every situation MY ATTITUDE made a world of difference. WE EMPLOY THE POLICE to do a JOB ... many people dont understand what that job is DESPITE WHAT PEOPLE THINK WE DONT PAY THEM TO EAT DONUTS! During the past couple of years I have been doing community work that allowed me to work with the police - I even took the civilian training course - I left that training scared to death of the police but with a better understanding of their duties and training. The number one take-away from that training was -- the police can shoot you! and there are a lot of assholes on the police force -- LOTS OF THEM! I wrote about it here on facebook as well as my encounters with the police. The woman in the video walked away because she does the same thing I do when I run into an officer -- she LISTENED to the officer and DID WHAT THEY ASKED HER TO DO, SHE KEPT ASKING WHAT SHE DID WRONG WHILE SHE COMPLIED WITH THEIR COMMANDS! -- THE KEY IS TO STAY CALM -- Once they knew she was not a threat they explained to her what happened and why she was pulled over THAT IS THEIR TRAINING. They handled her children WITH CARE! -- The way they handled the children and their profuse apology is enough for me. There was no hostility -- she was afraid, the children were afraid - I get it - a gun pointed at you, the safety of her children, being detained, going to jail - all that was probably flashing through her mind and is very frightening, BUT WHAT SHE DIDNT DO WAS COME OUT THE CAR with a negative ATTITUDE -- ATTITUDE - People are going to be stopped - my daughter was stopped, you have a right to ask why you are being stopped/detained, but dont act like they dont have a right to stop you -- thats what we pay them to do. I am not saying the police dont frame people, dont lie, and use excessive force - all that is true - but we have the video tape of this incident so we know what happened and it is clear that there was incorrect information in the communication between officers in the field and the dispatch or whoever is running the plates - and this is a real problem - I think they need a complete overhaul in THEIR training AND maybe require A LITTLE MORE EDUCATION! MAYBE WE need to set a higher standard for who we higher as officers BUT we need to also CHECK OUR ATTITUDE -- I am not saying it is going to stop that asshole cop from being an asshole - but it might prevent you from getting shot. I dont want to feel like I live in constant state of war with the police because they have guns and I DONT WANT MORE PEOPLE GETTING SHOT!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:29:46 +0000

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