WE DON’T DIE, WE KILL OURSELVES (4) Hello! Now you are getting - TopicsExpress


WE DON’T DIE, WE KILL OURSELVES (4) Hello! Now you are getting used to this topic and you understand what it means. Did you have fibre in your last meal? Now I understand it might not be possible to get the needed 18 grams for the day from food and fruits. It is not the fault of the foods and fruits, it is ours. Well, let us not cry over spilt milk, SUPPLEMENTS to the rescue. Want to ask me about supplements? Please, not now let us discuss WATER. Yes! WATER, Ruwa, Omi, Mmiri… add yours. Water, they say is life. True, but what is WATER? Wikipedia says Water is a transparent fluid which forms the worlds streams, lakes, oceans and rain, and is the major constituent of the fluids of living things. That’s alright for our use isn’t it? We all have water running through our faucets, dispensers, everywhere around us. We use it every day for everything but here today, our focus is Drinking Water. What is Drinking Water? Drinking water or potable water is water safe enough to be consumed by humans or used with low risk of immediate or long term harm. The human body is about 70% water and needs water to function. No human body can survive without water. However, when the wrong kind is taken, it is harmful to the body. Some common but deadly illnesses have been associated to unsafe Drinking water. So it is important to watch the type you drink. Water when taken in the right quantity gets the body hydrated and helps in these following areas: 1. Weight Loss: Water helps increase the rate at which the body burns fat, and promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. 2. Detoxification: Water is an excellent detoxifier as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine. 3. Digestion Aid: Drinking sufficient water boosts your metabolism and helps the body properly break down food. This helps your digestive system work well and promotes regular bowel movements. Hmmm, no hard stools. 4. Improves Mood: A small study conducted on 25 women and published in the Journal of Nutrition found that being dehydrated can take a toll on your mood and cognitive function. The colour of your urine is a good indicator of your level of hydration. The lighter the colour the better the level of hydration and vice versa. 5. Relieves Fatigue: If you often feel tired, there is a high chance that it could be due to inadequate consumption of water which makes the body function less efficiently. In fact, fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration. When there is less water in the body, there is a drop of blood volume which causes the heart to work harder to pump oxygenated blood out in the bloodstream, and other major organs also work less efficiently. Thus, drinking adequate water can help your body function better and reduce fatigue. 6. Treats Headaches: If you have a headache or migraine, the first thing that you can do to get some relief is drink plenty of water. Headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration. With these few points… Oh, not a debate. I hope I have succeeded in making you see reasons why you should take adequate portable water every day. Nutritionists suggest 8 glasses of water daily. From my calculations, the average water glass contains 250 mls or 25 cl of water. In essence, 8 glasses means 2 litres of drinking water. My, don’t forget that this recommendation is from our oyinbo (white) friends. The climate in their region is COLD. In this part of the world, we have HEAT and it could really be intense ask our brothers in the north. This translates to the fact that your water intake should be more than just 8 glasses a day. We have had about four issues in this series. Now, assignment for the day: Make sure you drink at least 12 glasses of drinking water today. To be submitted next edition.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:24:40 +0000

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