WE DON’T DIE, WE KILL OURSELVES (6) Welcome to this edition. I - TopicsExpress


WE DON’T DIE, WE KILL OURSELVES (6) Welcome to this edition. I believe you tried raw and low heat cooked vegetables. Hey, how did it go, bland, boring, not anything near what you liked? I can understand. I felt like that too when I started out but now, that’s history! Vegetables has a close cousin who got angry thinking we left him out on this trip. I had to explain that we intend picking him, his wife, and children up since he lives down the street. Let me introduce Mr Fruits to you. Mr Fruits as defined by Wikipedia is the fleshy seed-associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sour and edible in the raw state, such as apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, pineapples, avocado pear, mangoes, pawpaw, lemons and so on. Generally, most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol. Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients that are underconsumed, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Diets rich in potassium helps to maintain healthy blood pressure. Bananas can do lots of good here .Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart disease. Most fruits contain Vitamin C which is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Folate (folic acid) is also found in some fruits. It helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant should consume adequate folate from foods, and in addition 400 mcg of synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or SUPPLEMENTS. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development. Generally, fruits are appealing and you don’t need motivation to take them. Looking for how to trim your budget to accommodate fruits? Simple! Convert the funds you use in snacking to fruiting. Yes, got a new word there – FRUITING. On your budget, let it read FRUITING. Advice. To get the most of your FRUITING allocation, make sure you eat everything edible in your fruits even the chewy parts. Don’t be psychedelic about it, EAT EVERYTHING. Truth is the guy watching with bewilderment is actually waiting to see if you would invite him. Try it, invite him! Meanwhile, permit me to take some time off. There is this important personality I need to book an appointment with. Her presence with us is the gate pass for the next stage of this trip. Till we meet again, Keep FRUITING!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:50:42 +0000

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