WE DON’T DIE, WE KILL OURSELVES (8) Hello friends, I called On - TopicsExpress


WE DON’T DIE, WE KILL OURSELVES (8) Hello friends, I called On Madam Nuts to appreciate her largesse the last time. She was so grateful and delighted we took her on the trip. She sends her regards to you all and says you made her day. She then introduced me to a close relative, he is Legumes. Yeah! It’s about time we visit LEGUMES and as a matter of fact, we are doing this together. What is LEGUME? The term legume refers to the plants whose fruit is enclosed in a pod. Legumes represent a vast family of plants including more than 600 genera and more than 13,000 species. When growing, legumes fix nitrogen into the soil, which reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. They are also called cover crops and they help the soil against erosion. Does this remind you of leguminous crops in elementary agricultural science? Well-known legumes include cowpea, fresh peas, soy and peanuts. They usually are also called pulses. Legumes are known to contain protein but in reality, they have other nutritional benefits that will amaze you. Legumes are made up of high-quality carbohydrates that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They tend to be notably high in soluble fiber, folate, magnesium, iron, and potassium. These heart-healthy nutrients help lower cholesterol triglycerides, and blood pressure and they can reduce your risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Soluble fiber, in particular, keeps you feeling fuller for longer, so it’s a good tool for weight loss. Many studies suggest that folate can improve mood and memory. Magnesium prevents migraine headaches and works with potassium to help lower high blood pressure. Soybeans are unique among the legumes, it is usually called Golden Beans. They are a concentrated source of isoflavones. Isoflavones have estrogenic properties and the isoflavone genistein influences signal transduction. Soyfoods and isoflavones have received considerable attention for their potential role in preventing and treating cancer and osteoporosis. Soy beans is also a source of protein. It is the only food plant whose protein content ranks with the protein content of foods from animal sources. Soybeans can be made into Milk, Tofu (I call this delicacy soy cheese. Try it out marinated, fried or grilled. Hmmm…) Tempeh, Powder, Soup, e.t.c. Soybean is versatile. Besides peanuts which is usually eaten cooked or roasted, the most common legume is BEANS. In reality, many of us don’t like beans for several reasons which includes 1. Its cook time. If you want to torment a hungry man, just tell him ‘’beans is on fire’’ and he’ll spark! 2. Its inability to go without accompaniment like yam, bread, plantain, pap or garri soaked in cold water. (Nigerian Audience) 3. Its taste. Sometimes, cooking beans to taste (comparing with other dishes) can be tasking. Well, it’s good to know that there are several other ways to use beans. It could be cooked up into soup, ground and made into bean balls or moimoi. These bean dishes are palatable and worth giving a try. Now, we have several ways to use legumes, NO MORE EXCUSES, Legumes all the way.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:51:09 +0000

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