WE DON’T MIND BEING REGARDED BY OTHERS AS INCURABLE ROMANTICS A poet once said, “Let us not be afraid to dream; for if dreams die, life is like a broken-winged birth that cannot fly…. Let us not be afraid to dream; for if dreams go, life is like a barren field, covered with snow.” We Freemasons are not afraid to dream that in the not-distant future our ancient and honorable fraternity will accomplish its self-imposed mission, namely, to bring about a universal league of mankind or to establish upon earth a veritable brotherhood of all men under the Fatherhood of God; for it has always been aware of the fact that the purpose of humanity dictated by God is the universal peace and harmony among His creatures. Hence, we are highly resolved to fulfill our charge that we should strenuously enforce, by precept and by example, a steady obedience to the tenets or principles of our fraternity, particularly Brotherly Love, Relief (or Service), and Truth. We don’t really mind if other men regard us as incurable romantics. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is that, through the ages, Freemasons have been like Don Quijote de la Mancha, who pursued his “impossible dream.” Yes, we dedicate and devote our lives to creating an ideal world -- a world in which the following conditions should obtain: o There is no hatred, but love; no division of classes, but fraternal cooperation; no monopolies for the few, but opportunities for all. o Nobody interferes with the belief of others. o Everybody professes the ideas he considers best if within the law; freely adores his God in his own way; and visibly practices the command of “love thy neighbor as thyself,” charity towards the needy, tolerance and humility towards the powerful, as well as justice and truth towards all. o All will understand that morality is not expressed in words, or even in thoughts, but in daily needs, in every industrial, commercial, agricultural activity – in short, in every phase of human existence. That is the “impossible” dream we want to realize. Is it possible for us to launch that dream into a reality? Impossible or not, we fondly hope to help bring about the ideal world described above. As our Brother, Alexander Pope, has phrased it, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” – eF.R.eN
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:12:47 +0000

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